Chaper 32 - Height

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[for the sake of the story let's all pretend that finals are over and, like, you don't go back to school in a few more weeks. Pls don't be like 'oh bro but finals were at the last chapter why is it over already' just pretend okay chill]


"Hey Byakuya"

"Hm?" he replied as he continued to read his novel.

"Can we go to the store later? I wanna buy a new sweater"

"A sweater?" he closed his book and looked at you. "It's not even cold outside"

"I'm gonna wear it in the house" you explained. "You know, for when I'm being lazy and stuff"

"You're lazy everyday" he scoffed.

"That's beside the point" you said and rolled your eyes. "Wanna go with me or not?"

He sighed. "I suppose"

After that, Togami's driver took you both to your favorite clothing store.

After entering the store, you and Togami went your separate ways.

You walked over to a shelf piled with colorful sweaters and Togami walked to the nearest seat.

After scanning the shelf, you saw a sweater that you thought looked pretty cute.

You reached for the sweater but your fingers barely touched the fabric.

You stood on you tippy toes, stretched out your hands and tried again. But you still couldn't reach it.

"Byaaaaakuyaaaaa" you called out to him. "Help mee~ I can't reach it!" you said and stretched out your hand even further.

Togami suddenly appeared behind you and easily grabbed the sweater you were struggling for.

"This one?" he handed you the sweater.

"Yeah, thanks" you smiled.

Sometimes his height gives him a few advantages.

You admired the beautiful [favorite color] sweater in your hands.

"What do you think?" you turned to Togami. "Does it look weird?"

A small smile formed on his lips and he ruffled your hair. "It looks nice"

"It does?" you asked again and he nodded. "Okay then, I think I'll get this one"

"I'll buy it for you" he said. Before you could even say anything he was already walking to the cashier.

After he payed the two of you walked out of the store.

"Mm now what?" he asked as he held your hand in his.

"Can we get ice cream please?" you asked. "I'm freaking starving"

"Idiot, if you're hungry let's just get something to eat"

"But I want ice creamm~" you pouted.

"Fine" he sighed and so the two of you went to the park.

After you arrived at the park you immediately spotted the ice cream stand, since there was a long line in front of it.

"Are you sure you don't wanna get anything else?" Togami asked as he eyed the line and you glared at him. "Alright fine"

After waiting a while, you suddenly heard a child crying. You looked around and saw a little boy crying under a tree.

"Um, are you okay?" you asked.

The boy looked at you warily.

"Kid, chill, I'm just tryna help"

[yes that is exactly how you should talk to children]

"My balloon.." he sniffed. "It flew all the way up there"

The kid pointed to the tree above him and you saw a bright red balloon caught between two branches.

"Can you get it for me p-please?" the boy sniffed again.

"Um, sure, I'll try"

You looked up at the red balloon and stood on your toes for the second time that day. You reached out your hand and tried to grab the balloon.

But you can't.

"Ugh, fucking hell!" you remembered about the little boy next to you and quickly covered your mouth. "Uh, you didn't hear anything"

After taking a deep breath you reassumed your attempts to grab the red balloon. But you still couldn't reach it. You started to jump up and down.

"What are you doing?"

You turned around and saw Togami holding two cones of [favorite flavour] ice cream.

"This kid--" you jumped once more. "--wants his balloon"

After a few more attempts you sighed and cursed under your breath, making sure the little boy doesn't hear it.

"Hold this" Togami sighed and handed you the ice cream cones.

After you took the ice cream cones, Togami reached out for the balloon and held it in his hands in no time at all.

"Here" he mumbled and gave it to the little boy.

"Whoah! Thanks, big brother!~" he replied happily and ran off.

Once the little boy was gone, you glared at Togami.

"I could've gotten it myself, thank you very much" you gave him the ice cream cones back. "Ugh I wish I was taller"

You suddenly realized that you gave Togami both ice cream cones back. "Wait that one's mine"

But before you could snatch the ice cream cone away from him, Togami held it high above his head.

Tch, jerk.

"Byakuyaa! Give it back!" you demanded and reached out your hand again but couldn't reach for the ice cream cone.

Well of course not! What were you thinking? You were waaaay shorter than him.

"Why should I?" he smirked and held the ice cream cone even higher.

"You're being such a jerk right now you know that, right?" you said in annoyance and stood on your tippy toes. "Byakuya give it b--"

Without warning Togami pressed his lips onto yours. When he pulled away, your face flushed bright red.

"See?" he smirked again. "Isn't it much better if you're shorter than me?"


ew super weird chapter i wish i could burn

AAAA omgg im sorry for being in a sudden hiatus ;w;)/




oya i watched the snk live action today and


like legit throughout the whole thing i just kind of (`А´)ノ

but Kanata Hongo (Armin) looked so fine asdfghjkl♡

ya okay anyways thanks again for 1.04k!~

ily all this feels so unreal omg


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