End? [Part 3]

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a super long update guys e u e

너 없이 내가 죽는다

❝ Without you I'll die ❞

∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙✦✧✦ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

"A-A stuffed animal?" you asked.

"I'm not a stuffed animal! I'm Monokuma, I'm the principal of this school, making me yer principal! Nice to meet you!" the bear said and started to jump up and down on the podium. "Stand, bow, good morning punks!"

"Good morning!" Ishimaru yelled as he did a 90 degree bow.

"D-Don't play along!" Fukawa hissed and glared at him.

"In order to protect our wonderful rays of hope, yer expected to live here and nowhere else" Monokuma said as his one red eye sparkled.

"W-What do you mean?" you blurted out.

"You're gonna live here for the rest of yer lives!" Monokuma raised both of his arms up in delight.

There was a few seconds of silence as everybody stared at the bear in shock.

"Y-You're lying!" Junko yelled with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Are the iron plates supposed to keep us in?!" Naegi asked as he looked around the room, panic clearly written on his face.

"Yup!" Monokuma answered almost immediately. "You can scream all you want but no one's gonna come save ya'!"

The room fell silent once again. From the way Monokuma kept swaying back and forth, you could tell he was clearly happy with the situation.

"For those who wanna leave--" Monokuma started happily. "--I've established a certain rule!"

Togami readjusted his white rimmed glasses. "A rule?"

"You are free to murder however you like" the bear jumped off of the podium and let out an annoyingly high pitched "Whee!"

"M-Murder?" you said under your breath. Was this bear serious?

"The only student permitted to leave is one who has committed murder!" he walked around the gym floors happily. "It's a simple rule, and the only rule"

You hear Leo cursing under his breath from behind you.

"Beat, stab, club, slice open, torch, crush, strangle, cast a curse!" Monokuma listed as he jumped up and down once more.

You tried your best not to imagine gruesome images as he said so.

"Upupupu~ Salmons and humans can't understand the excitement~" he laughed and popped up in front of you with a Salmon in his paws. (which came out of nowhere if I might add) (The salmon I mean, not Monokuma)

[This scene is on the first ep. of DR and I srsly wanted to add it into the book lmao]

"Fellow 'rays of hope' are thrown into a situation where they must kill each other, it's so exciting!" Monokuma giggled to himself.

"Are you serious?!" Leo said in disbelief.

"W-Why must we kill each other..?" Sayaka asked, her voice quivering,

"Listen up, from now on this school is yer home, yer society, and yer world" Monokuma explained before laughing to himself. "I'm gonna let you kill to yer heart's content, so kill, kill and kill some more!"

"You want a battle royal?! Yer takin this sick prank too friggin' far!" Mondo yelled from somewhere behind you.

Monokuma jumped in front of him and giggled. "What's sick? You don't mean that sick hairstyle do you?"

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