Dear [y/n]

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Dear [y/n],

It's been around 3 days since you left this world, since you left me.

The morning after Kirigiri found you, I went to your room. But you weren't there.

And that reminded me of how you wouldn't come back, ever.

I almost threw a tantrum right then and there, but I remembered how much you hated it when I do that. So I didn't.

Only this time, you weren't there to hug me and assure me that everything's going to be fine.

I miss that. I miss your hugs, I miss your encouraging words.

I miss you.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. We finally found out what a school trial is. Sayaka was found dead and Leon was guilty. I still can't believe it.

After the trial, I asked that bear why there wasn't a trial for your death.

He said it would be too risky. He said because you remembered everything, a school trial would probably make all the other students remember too.

He said I'd be next if I didn't keep my mouth shut. That bastard..

Anyways, because of Sayaka's death, a new floor has opened up for us. Now I spend most of my time in the library.

Sometimes reading there makes me remember all those times we spent together at the local library. Without realizing it, a tear or two would fall and I'd cry quietly to myself.

I know it's stupid of me to keep crying for you but I just can't help myself.

I still visit your room sometimes. I'd sit on your bed and close my eyes. It's crazy, but it feels like you're still there.

Your face, your smile, it's still forever on my mind. I tried to hold on to you, but no matter what I do, you're still gone.

You know, your place will always, forever be just how you left it. So if by any chance you want to come back, I'll surely be there to greet you with open arms.

Come back to me, please. Everyday I'm here shedding endless tears while waiting for you.

I know I sound crazy. Truthfully, I know you'll never come back, but for some reason, it's hard for me to accept that fact.

Don't worry about me though, I can take care of being hurt on my own.

The only thing I regret is that I never had the chance to tell you how much you meant to me.

This might sound extremely cheesy but you opened up my eyes to love. I now know I have these feelings. Thanks to you, I realized,

I'm capable of loving too.

But now that you're gone, like a lost kid not knowing where to go, I'm just repeating my steps. How can I live without you?

I know that this is wrong, and I should just let you go. I should move on, but just like that I cling back to our memories. I go back to you.

I can't let you go. Not yet.

I can't continue living knowing you're not here by my side.


Come back to me. You're all I have.

Every single day you're always going to be the only one in my heart.

But what if I go after you? That would end the pain, right?


you wouldn't like that, would you?

That's right, you told me to keep living.

Well, alright then, I'll try. I'll try to keep on living. Even if it hurts. Even if I'm still in pain, I'll live.

For us.

But I won't erase your name from my mind. I'll always remember you. You've given me so much to remember.

I've made up my mind. I'll keep on living. Don't worry, [y/n], I'll get us out of this place.

[y/n], goodbye for now. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for everything, I love you.

We'll meet again, someday.

∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙✦✧✦ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

❛ Good Old Days - End ❜


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