Ch 1 - Ending Of Peace

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In the city of L'Manburg, humans have had giants as companions, helpers, or even as their love interest

Phil had the rarest giantess, who became his wife, but is known as the Goddess of Death. She and her human had fallen in love as they met

She had wings, pure black in color, and her wavy hair danced in the breeze as everyone congratulated him

They were happy for years, but one argument changed it all

His wife was taken away from him as she escaped the ropes that kept her down. She sadly stared at her husband and flew as high as she could

They fought the other giants as they killed them, weakened them, and locked them up. Phil wanted the war to stop, but he knew it was impossible

Humans have fled and created a new country far away from the giant lands. They called it New L'Manburg and is ruled by a man named Wilbur

Phil knew Wilbur has hatred for these giants, and he knew the ruler will do anything to keep them in or kill them

Phil prayed and begged. He could sometimes see the figure of the giantess as he bent down, only to hear her voice

One will bring peace back

A young boy who sees the way you do

A young giant will cross his path

I will come down once it all quiets down

Phil thanked her as he looked over to see Wilbur, celebrating his day of becoming a father, but to Phil, he could see it

The son of the ruler is the one who will bring back their peace, but who will his giant be?

Sorry it's short, but this is a quick summary of the new story

This is my final DNF GT

I hope you guys enjoy

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