Ch 13 - Apprentice Practice (2)

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Giant - Ranboo

The next day, Tommy was now going to use a sword. He looked at George as the prince seemed confident

"Bring out the next one!" Techno announced as Phil opened the cage. A giant with one green and red eye stepped out as it whimpered like the other one from yesterday

Alright, Ranboo, let's see how this works, George thought as Purpled rushed, making a slash on the giant's ankle

It roared as Ponk tried to take it back to the cage, but it moved its arms frantically as they ducked. George had his sword, but something was tied at the blade

He climbed on the giant as it was distracted by the other apprentices. "What's he doing?" Sapnap pointed as Techno watched the prince make his way to the hair

He took out his sword and everyone noticed a string with food. The giant looked at it and followed it as George led it to the cage

He jumped down, making a slash on the arm as it whimpered and went inside. "George takes the lead once again!" Techno smiled as he scribbled notes on his clipboard

"Dream! If you don't come over, I'm not feeding you!" George yelled as the giant giggled, "Nope! You come to me!"

George: I thought the human must have control over the giant!

Dream: It's actually me, not you

George: You fucking asshole!

Dream: Aww! Is Georgie mad?

George: That's it!

George grabbed a stick and tied the package as he heard Dream's stomach grumble. George climbed on Dream as he sat on Dream's blonde hair

He had the stick in front of him and the food tied on the string swayed as Dream looked at it hungrily

"Take me away!" George cheered as Dream followed the food. The prince held onto some golden chunks of hair to keep sitting as Dream tried catching it

He couldn't use his hands, and he would've gotten it by now, but George challenged him for him to catch it with his mouth

Dream struggled as he gasped for air. They were near New L'Manburg as George made Dream move back to the sanctuary

"They could've spotted us!" George hissed as Dream was eating soup. "We didn't!" he chirped as George laughed, "My god!"

Techno smiled as George placed his weapon and armor back. Tommy was waiting for him as he looked at him with hate

"Tommy, it's just a practice!" George said, but Tommy wasn't buying it. "Something's going on! I will make sure I find your tricks!" Tommy growled as he walked out

"Nice!" Ponk cheered as Purpled and Skeppy surrounded George, congratulating on his second win, and even though they seemed happy and unbothered, George feared they'll all team to find his secret training with Dream

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