Ch 30 - Wild Adventure

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Years Later

"Alright! I'm in position!" a person said as they noticed a giant being eating some food. "I have the trap ready and loaded," another person spoke as they waited

A giant figure appeared as he scrunched down, "How's it going?" The brunette sighed as he brushed his hair to the side

"One more bite, and you're up, Dream," the brunette said as the giant nodded. Once the other giant being finished, Dream stood up and tackled it

He growled as both fought. The wild kicked Dream as he grunted and tackled the wild giant again, pinning him down

Glazed eyes stared into his emerald eyes as Dream struggled to keep it down. "Hurry, George!" he called as the human jumped on and placed liquid on its eyes

He threw a bottle of liquid in its mouth as Dream closed his eyes and magic particles swirled around him

The giant's eyes turned into a color of gray as it smiled, "Thank you!" "Anytime," Dream said as the giant walked towards a town

It is now their new town. Home of giants and humans, living in harmony once again. Phil and Kristen were back together as the giantess cuddled her husband

The princes ran into the forest as they noticed their sanctuary was no longer the same. It had more trees, the water not as clean as before, and the flat ground now had some hills or dips

George: Time really goes by, right?

Dream: Yeah

George: Now we're just traveling, looking for any mythical giants

Dream: And hopefully a new place to live in case your father asks for one

George: That as well

Dream: We've been finding so many regular wild giants! When will we find something else?

George: We did find rare or epic types

Dream: But not mythicals

George: Don't worry! Kristen said we'll know! We're hunting for the mythical types!

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