Ch 22 - Too Early

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"What?! But, it's in 3 days!" George complained as Wilbur smiled, "I know! Techno told me how well you improved! He decided to do the test on Friday! Oh! We are having a celebration!"

George ran outside as he heard Techno say, "He just ran out." "He's going to do his last days of training! Let him go," Wilbur said as George ran into the forest

He bumped into someone as he noticed it was the young Slayer. "Whoa! Easy, George! What happened?" Sapnap asked as George felt tears watering his eyes

Sapnap took him into the sanctuary as the Slayer called for the giant. "Hey, Dream! I think George needs you!"

The giant noticed George crying. He growled as he looked at Sapnap. "No! You got it all wrong, big guy! He just came to me like this! I did nothing!"

"He's right Dream, it's not him," George sniffed as the giant scrunched down. He nuzzled George as the prince wiped his tears and was stroking his nose as he looked at Sapnap

George: My dad wants my test on Friday

Sapnap: That's too early! He promised in 1 month! It ends in 1 week!

George: I know! But he said because I have "improved", my test is Friday

Sapnap: You only have 3 days?! That sucks!

George: I haven't even tested if I can tame a wild one

Sapnap: If you have the Touch, I think you can! I believe in you!

Dream: And I do to

Sapnap jumped, "THE FUCK! HE TALKS!?" George giggled, "He does." Sapnap laughed as Dream chuckled and nudged Sapnap with his head

"I'm not ready. I don't feel ready," George said as Sapnap hugged the prince. Dream had his hands around them as he nuzzled both of them

"Thanks, you guys," George said as he stood up to walk back. "See you tomorrow, Dream," the prince said as the giant smiled and curled up in a ball to rest

Sapnap took George back as both headed towards the cages. Phil was with Ranboo as he gave the giant his meal

"Everything good?" he asks as Sapnap shakes his head, "He's had some news. He's doing the test on Friday, and I don't think he's ready."

Phil: Does he know?

George: He does

Phil: Well, that's 3 days away!

Sapnap: I know, but the king already made plans

Phil: I was told to clean the cages, and thank god they helped

Sapnap: I'm glad

George: I have never tamed nor tested if a wild one can by affected by my Touch!

Phil: It does. It never fails unless something prevails

Sapnap: So if he has no distractions, it'll work?

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