Ch 8 - Drawings

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George woke up as he got dressed for training. He ran into the arena as he decided to meet up with Phil

"Hey, Phil!" he waved as the adult hugged the young teen prince

Phil: You're going to visit him?

George: Of course! He even told me his name!

Phil: Really?

George: His name's Dream

Phil: Odd, but one thing, does he have dreamy eyes?

George: *flustered* What?! I m-mean, y-yeah!

Phil: Sam was right

George: Right about what?

Phil: He knew you had feelings for the giant, but I had to make sure if I'm right or wrong

George: Can you keep it a secret?

Phil: Of course, but don't let the others know

George: Thanks

The prince hugged the man as he walked towards the arena. "There's our apprentice!" Techno smiled as George tensed

"Today, we're going to the forest! All of you need to perfect the skills of listening, finding clues, and smell what you can!" Techno announced as the students cheered

They all grabbed their weapons as they all ran into the forest. "Be back by sunset!" Techno called as the students agreed

George had a sword, but he wished he never had to bring a weapon. Dream's kind of sensitive to weapons, especially to what George did to him

"Yo! George!" a voice called as the brunette flinched. He looked to see Sapnap waving at him, "Where are you heading?"

George: Just...straight?

Sapnap: I'll come with you!

George: NO!

Sapnap: Jeez! No need to be aggressive, Your Highness!

George: Just...going...alone. Didn't Techno say we have to be alone?

Sapnap: Nope, but you're right! I am the lone hunter!

George: Yeah!

Sapnap: See ya at sunset!

Sapnap left as George waited. Once cleared, he ran far until he found the trench. He slid down and climbed up as he made it to the secret sanctuary

The lake looked cleaner, the stone walls smoother, and the pine trees were nicely trimmed. George looked in awe as he heard a soft mumble

He turned to see green eyes staring at him. The figure moved closer. "Dream! I'm so glad to see you!" George smiled as the giant grinned

He then looked at George's hand and growled. "No, no, no, no, no!" he placed the sword down and with his foot, moved it away

"Easy, Dream," he said softly as the giant leaned closer. "I had it because of some training I had to do. Please don't be mad," the brunette assured as the giant slowly nodded

George sighed. He wished Dream could talk, but he's been silent ever since he helped him tend his wounds. "May I see your bandages?" George asked as the giant rolled up his hood sleeve and pant leg

The bandages were coated in dried blood, but he seems fine. George smiled as he grabbed a stick and began to doodle on the sand

He was doodling Dream's face as he noticed a shadow loomed over him. He smiled as he kept making a figure

The giant's head moved with George's arm as he watched the human make swirls, lines, loops, and other doodles

Dream smiled and walked away. George heard something being pulled from the ground and turned to see the giant have a pine tree. He placed it down and used the point as he randomly made lines and loops

He circled George, being careful not to step on him, and he even went around the lake. George giggled as he watched the giant move around

He even made the lines intersect as George giggled. Once done, Dream placed it down and looked at George

George looked down at his work. It showed nothing. It was just lines intersecting into lines, loops, and swirls

George stepped on the line and Dream growled. The human jumped back as he noticed Dream stopped growling

George looked down and stepped on the line, earning a growl. He smiled and stepped over the line as Dream tilted his head

George smiled and began moving around. He made sure not to step on the lines as he twirled around, looking down as he spotted the open areas

He did this for minutes, until he felt hot breath behind him. He turned around and noticed the giant was super close to him

"Dream," George whispered as the giant led out a soft mumble. He nudged George with his head and the human gasped, surprised the giant has finally touched him

He extended his arm out. Dream looked at it, then back at George. He closed his eyes and moved his face closer, letting George touch his nose

George looked and smiled. He stroke his nose softly as the giant purred. "Aren't you adorable?" George smiled, then gasped as they stared at each other

George blushed and left. He grabbed the sword as the giant whimpered. It looked at the human sadly and the prince noticed the sun was staring to set

He ran back to the arena as the other students also appeared. "How did it go?" Techno asked as their answers overlapped

George stayed silent as Techno released the apprentices. The brunette made it home as he giggled, "I touched a giant!"

He smiled and looked at the ceiling. Yeah, he petted Karl, but he meant a giant of his own. A wild one, a mythical wild one

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