Ch 5 - I Can't

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The next morning, George was awoken by his father as he ordered the maids to dress him. The prince smiled nervously as he wore a suit meant for traveling along with armor

His horse was also armored as his father smiled, "Come back with that blade covered in that monster's blood!"

George nodded as he whipped the reins and the horse dashed in the direction of the bottom of the cliff

The prince shivered as he made it at the bottom of the cliff and noticed a path made by the giant as he followed the ditch on foot

He left his horse and tied the reins on a branch and left his coat as he walked slowly towards the broken trees and the ditch

He followed the path for a long while and made it to an open area, where he found the giant lying on his side as he breathed in and out softly

George climbed down from the cliff and walked towards the tangled giant as the human prince shivered and walked slower

He made it to where he could see his facial features and gasped. This giant may be human looking, but he wasn't like any other

His looks were astonishing. His breathing warm and soft. He was handsome! George shivered as the giant opened one eye and noticed the human

Both stared as the giant stared weakly while George stared with fear. "I did this," he breathed out as he could hear the giant slowly moving his head back and closed his eye

An emerald eye. Brighter than the aurora lights or as bright as that. He felt his cheeks heat up as he was turning to leave, but remembered his father's request

He took off his armor and set it down as the giant kept his eyes closed. He didn't want to kill him, he wanted to help him

George knew it was a risk, but he is willing to take this risk. He walked up to the ropes and began cutting them as he struggled to rip each rope

One by one, he cut them as they fell off or dangled loosely from the giant. Once he knew he was done, the giant shook off the ropes and grabbed the human in a fist

George whimpered as the giant stared into his eyes. He stared in anger, while the human stared with fear as he whimpered

The giant's eyes softened for a moment, but then let the human go and roared at the prince as he dashed deeper into the forest

George gasped as he wished he never freed it, but he was handsome than anything! He blushed as he noticed blood on the ground and placed his sword into the pool as "proof" of killing the giant

The prince returned for his horse and ran back home as he noticed his father and mother with the Giant Slayers at their side as they waited for his arrival

"He's here!" Wilbur called as Techno rushed to see George's sword, which was covered in blood. He gave a lick and nodded to the king, "He slayed his first giant."

Wilbur smiled as he hugged his son. "How did it go? How did the beast look like? Oh! I have so many questions! Let's prepare a feast!" 

Everyone congratulated the prince as he rushed and threw up. Techno patted his back, "It's your first time. You'll get used to close violence in training. You are the first to kill on your first day of being an apprentice. I am impressed."

George groaned as he brushed his teeth. He kept the memory in mind as he remembered the giant staring at him. It showed softness, anger, and betrayal. He shook his head as he felt his cheeks heat up again

During the feast, the prince was silent as he barely touched his food. Wilbur and Techno were talking and laughing as George excused himself and went into his room

He heard a knock and noticed his mother enter as she closed the door behind. "Are you ok? You didn't even touch your food."

George looked away as she sat next to him and hugged her son. "You didn't kill it, did you?" she asked as George stiffened

George: I d-did!

Queen: Did you?

George: I couldn't

Queen: I figured. You chose wisely

George: What do you mean?

Queen: That giant wasn't seen by many humans because of their magic. People wanted their healing touch

George: He was handsome, mom! He stared into my eyes and it softened!

Queen: A giant stared at you with soft eyes?

George: Mixed with anger and betrayal

Queen: I guess you should give him an apology

George: He almost killed me when I freed him!

Queen: I'm sure he'll forgive you

His mother kissed his cheek as George stared at his window. He could feel the giant's gaze and felt his cheeks heat up again

He needed to talk with Phil tomorrow, but he has his first training. He'll do it after, and then hopefully, visit the same place he freed the giant

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