Ch 26 - Ploy

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George looked to see a giant hand. "Sam!" he smiled as the giant roared, making the humans run as they tried to stay away from the escaped giants

Sam took the prince to the arena as Phil had all of them together. They were all free

"So, now what?" he asked as George looked at the apprentices. "I need your help. I need to save Dream! He's going to get eaten!"

They all hesitated as George noticed Karl scooping up Sapnap. "That's it!" George said as he looked at the apprentices

George: Guys! I need you all to choose one of them!

Purpled: Are you crazy? Us on a giant!?

George: Trust me!

Purpled: Nope!

George: Fine! I'll choose for you! Purpled, you take Punz! Ponk, you have Sam! Tommy, you're getting Tubbo! Skeppy, you have Bad! And Ranboo, stay with Tommy and Tubbo!

Ranboo: Sure thing!

Tommy: The fuck? You can't tell us what to do!

George: I am your prince! I also want my giant back! I just want you guys to help me! Back then, giants used to be with us!

Ponk: What?

George: Ask Phil! He was there during the times giants and humans lived together! Giant Riders were the ones who could go anywhere with the giants!

Sapnap: I remember reading something about this!

Phil: And my wife is a Mythical Type


Phil: The Goddess of Death. She and I married, but then, the war separated us away. She said she'd be back once the lands are at peace once again

Skeppy: Badass!

George: Please! I am the Tamer!

Tommy: Bullshit!

George: How do you think I completed the practices? I learned from taming Dream and I was able to learn a few of their weakness as he and I got closer!

Purpled: That is impossible! Tamers are born with a gift!

George: And I do have the gift! I will have an army of giants behind me!

Skeppy: This is getting interesting!

George: The only problem is that we're heading to the Island of Colossus!

Punz: THE FUCK?! NO!

Karl: The Colossus kills any giant that comes near!

George: I know! And so far, the closest is Dream! I can't afford to lose him!

Ponk: Count me in!

Purpled: Well, I'll go, I guess

Skeppy: I AM SO IN! We're about to kick colossal ass!

Bad: Language! I still don't like this idea, but if we're rescuing a member of the prophet, let's do it!

Sam: This will be a suicidal mission! Well, for us! But you humans are safe from it

George: I know

Punz: The Colossal is actually blind to super tiny things, meaning you humans

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