Ch 3 - Becoming an Apprentice

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"WAKE UP, GEORGE!" Wilbur called as he knocked on the prince's door, "YOU NEED TO WAKE UP! TODAY IS THE START OF YOUR TRAINING!!"

George groaned as he threw the covers and slid out of bed. He combed his hair, got dressed into his outfit his maids prepared, and walked out to the dining hall

Wilbur was smiling wide as he waited patiently for his son to sit down. A chef placed a plate in front of the prince as he thanked him and looked to see black beans, boiled eggs cut in half with mustard on the halves, bacon, and a glass of milk

Wilbur: Today's the day my son is becoming a Giant Slayer!

George: *unenthusiastic* Great

Wilbur: You are going to be trained like if you're a regular person! No royal training of any sort

George: That's fine

Wilbur: I hope I get to see the final results of your final test!

George: Test?

Wilbur: Once they see you mastering your training, they either bring a wild giant or a tamed one from our cages, but it must be the toughest one. If you kill it, you become a full slayer!

George: Kill? It?

Wilbur: Yes! Oh! I can't wait!

George sighed as he shook off the image his father planted in his head. He wants to befriend them, not kill them!

A chariot took both Wilbur and George to the arena as Phil bowed his head with respect, "Good to see you, Your Majesties!"

Wilbur just walked past him as Phil and George walked behind the king

Phil: Even though he gave me the job to heal the giants, he doesn't like seeing me

George: Is it because he knows?

Phil: He doesn't know yet, but once he does, a war might start

George: A war?

Phil: Yes, and just to warn you, Ranboo warned me about tonight. The wild giants are coming to try and rescue them, but they want me to go with them

George: But you can't!

Phil: I know, and that is why I'm keeping them here. The giants want to rescue them so that they could kill them for being with me

Wilbur: What are you two talking about?

George: Nothing! Just about how excited I am to become a slayer! *nervous chuckling*

Wilbur: How magnificent! And George, keep your distance away from that man

George sighed as Phil gave him a warm smile. Once they made it in, a man with short pink hair tied in a bun wiped his forehead with his arm and grabbed a mask that was next to him

He turned to see the royal family and bowed, "King Wilbur! Prince George! What a surprise! Oh! It's today, isn't it?

"Of course!" Wilbur chirped as George groaned

Wilbur: George, meet Technoblade! He completed his training the fastest!

Techno: Aww, no need to rub it in

Wilbur: He's the best Giant Slayer anyone could ever have! He will give you the tour and you just follow along!

Techno: It is an honor giving the prince his tour and hoping for him to rank up

George: Sure, I guess

Wilbur left as Techno looked down at the prince, "Listen here. This is no place for breaks, fancy treats, and maids taking care of you! You are here to kill beasts and have their blood rain on you once you kill! This is for war! Got it?!"

George nodded as Techno grabbed him by his arm and took him to a cafeteria, where a bunch of other slayer apprentices sat as they looked to see a newcomer

"Fellas! We have the Prince of New L'Manburg joining us!" Techno announced as everyone cheered. They all circled the prince as George shivered

Techno: Prince George, meet your competitors! The one with the headband is Sapnap, the man on fire!

Sapnap: Nice to meet you, Your Majesty! I can't believe you're training with us!

George: Nice to meet you too

Techno: That boy in purple is Purpled! We gave him that nickname because, well, he wears purple

Purpled: It's my favorite color

George: Oh

Techno: The one in blonde is Tommy. He's very stubborn and doesn't like to obey

Tommy: I do! Fucking hell, man!

George: Heh

Techno: The man with the black, red, yellow, and orange mask is Ponk. He has a thick accent and is quite agile

Ponk: Nice to finally see you in person!

George: Thanks, I guess

Techno: And finally, him. The diamond in the rough, Zak, but we gave him the nickname Skeppy

Skeppy: Sup! Can't wait to see how you are in battle

George: I guess?

Techno: Gather around! We are going to show the prince...the cages!

Everyone gasped as George shivered. He figured he was going to meet the giants as the apprentices stayed behind

Techno and Phil greeted as he noticed George stiffened. Phil smiled, "I assure they won't cause any harm as long as I'm here."

Techno scoffed, "He is the only one who has been able to tame these giants. He always treat their wounds, but I prefer to let them die, but your father couldn't find other giants, so we have to work with these monsters."

The giants growled at the humans as Phil gave them a reassuring smile. The giants led out a soft growl as Techno smiled and passed

George noticed Karl as the giant whimpered and backed further in his cage. At the sight of George, he waved nervously as George waved back

After seeing the giants, Techno showed him the arena where he will be practicing and the final test will take place

"And that is all for today. Tomorrow, your first training starts with the group," Techno said as George smiled and walked towards his castle

He was lost in his thoughts and felt someone push him to the ground. He looked to see Techno on top of him as a giant arm swung close to them

A loud roar was heard as the sirens echoed the empire. "GIANTS! WILD ONES! THEY'RE HERE!" a man screamed as people ran away as Wilbur and the other Giant Slayers prepared for battle

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