Ch 20 - Giant Duel (Fake)

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George woke up to the sun's rays hitting his face. He groaned and dressed in his apprentice clothing

He walked towards the arena, where the other apprentices were practicing their swinging and their aim

George took a bow and shot at a target, hitting a bull's eye. "You're so good at the bow!" Ponk said as George smiled, "I try."

Techno came out as Phil was next to him. "We decided to give George a duel. It's a mini test for the time of the real test," Techno said as Phil seemed troubled by the idea

George just gulped, "Will I be watched?" "Nope!" Techno said as Phil sighed. George also sighed as he smiled

"I'll do my best," George said as he grabbed the bow and a sword. He noticed the cages opening as Punz roared

He noticed everyone was stepping out as Punz growled and got on all fours. "Good luck," Techno said as everyone walked out

Punz noticed the coast was clear as George rushed towards him, dropping his weapons down as he hugged Punz by the bridge of his nose

Punz: Now what?

George: I made red liquid that smells and tastes like blood

Punz: Nice!

George: You need to be covered in blood, and this took a long time to make

Punz: I must scream to make it sound real, right?

George: Do one now

Punz: *roars in pain*

George: Let's wait a while until I feel it's time

Punz: How's it going with your giant boyfriend?

George: It's getting there! I hope you will all be free from your cages

Punz: Though I must say, the one in purple, he's kind of cute

George: You like him? Oh! *clears throat*

Punz: Oh! *growls in pain*

George: His name's Grayson, but we nicknamed him Purpled

Punz: Beautiful

George: I'll make sure he chooses you

Punz: When?


Punz: *roars*

George: Later, and I plan to have Dream come over so he could meet all of you

Punz: And how will you do that without causing any commotion?

George: Easy! He and I trained

Punz: No! You're a...Giant Rider?!

George: And Tamer

Punz: Impossible!

George: *grunts loudly*

Punz: *growls in pain*

George: Yeah

Punz: Tamers are rare! That means you have The Touch?!

George: I was born with it

Punz: Amazing! *whimpers and roars*

George: I think it's time

Punz: Use it on me now!

George ran towards the giant sacks of red liquid "blood". He poured it on Punz's hoodie, arms, legs, neck, and some drops on his face

Punz laid on his side as George nodded. "I have battled the beast!" the prince said it with triumph as the Slayers and apprentices came back inside

"George, this is amazing! You're ready!" Techno declared as George smiled. Phil took Punz away as the giant acted as if he was weak and loosing too much blood

The arena was smothered in blood as Techno commanded for the apprentices to clean it up. Tommy eyed at the prince as he and Techno walked away to have a conversation

Techno: Prince George!

George: It's been a while since you called me by that

Techno: I know, but I see you have mastered a whole lot! We plan on making the test in less than a month

George: Actually, I need the month. For training and for rest

Techno: Do you feel ready?

George: I do not, but at the end of the month, I will be ready

Techno: That is good to hear, but I have been complained by someone. They say you've been sneaking out back into the forest, where you killed your first giant

George: *nervously* I was preparing a picnic for my mom!

Techno: Is it ok if I ask her?

George: It is

Techno: Alright. I don't want to see you coming into the arena to practice. I want you to use the forest, because it's still crawling with giants

George: A-A-Alright!

Techno: Good luck!

Techno and George parted as the prince sighed. It seems like the anonymous person was Tommy, because he was looking at him suspiciously

He also thinks it could be Sapnap, but he doubts it's him. He has been with Techno patrolling

The prince walked back to his castle as he took a shower. Once done, he entered his room and noticed a shadow jumping from building to building

"What the?" George whispered as he looked outside from his balcony. He noticed the figure had some strings coming out from the back of his head - Sapnap's headband

Sapnap looked around as he went into the forest. George sighed as he tried to go to sleep, but the thought of it being him who told Techno, gave him chills

If he found out about Dream, he's done for. George went back to sleep, but struggled as he had many possibilities in mind of what Sapnap might do if he found out about Dream

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