Ch 21 - AHA!

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George was called by Sapnap as the Slayer was waiting for him. "I have been searching, and I think I have an idea what you've been doing."

The prince just scoffed and tried to walk past him, but Sapnap got down and did a swift kick as George fell on his back

"What was that for?!" George grunted as Sapnap answered, "I have a feeling, Your Highness, in which is illegal!"

George just looked away as Sapnap used his sword and pointed at the prince. It was barely touching his neck as George just exhaled

George: You found out?

Sapnap: Of course! Though, I had to play the scene a bunch of times to see if I'm correct

George: Let me hear it

Sapnap: You shoot the giant with our weapon, correct?

George: Yeah?

Sapnap: But as you go to slay it, only little blood is shown

George: Ok?

Sapnap: I'm saying you never slayed it

George: But I did! You saw my sword covered in blood!

Sapnap: And Techno made sure it was real. In the end it was, and you threw up, but I realized you only used the blood it left, not killed it

George: So you think I never killed it?

Sapnap: You freed it. The ropes look as if they've been cut clean, not bitten or forcefully pulled

George: *mumbles* Oh god

Sapnap: Where's the giant?

George: I freed it

Sapnap: Why?

George: Because it's wrong!

Sapnap: Did you befriend it?!

George: I did!

Sapnap: Once Techno hears this, he'll talk to your father and banish you for good!

George: No! Please! Listen, he's not what you think!

Sapnap: The fact you say "he" instead of "it" sickens me!

George: Please! He's the only thing keeping me alive and happy!

Sapnap: Alive?

George rushed past Sapnap as the Slayer chased him. Both rushed into the forest as George looked around until he found the trench

He may have not found the sanctuary, but still. George slid as Sapnap followed behind. Both climbed the dip as George found the bushes hiding his secret hangout

Sapnap tackled the prince as George felt a blade on his neck. "You're coming back, and reveal the news!" Sapnap said as George widened his eyes

Behind them, a wild giant nearly grabbed them as George pushed Sapnap away. Both separated as Sapnap threw his ax and slashed its eye

It roared and went back a few steps as blood poured out from the cut. Sapnap noticed George was climbing a mountain as the giant tried reaching for him

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