Ch 15 - Apprentice Practice (4)

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Giant - Sam

"Try to use strength! This one is one of the tough ones!" Techno said as Phil released the giant with forest green eyes

It roared loudly than the others as they all covered their ears. He may be tough, but Sam has a gentle heart, George thought as he needed a plan

The giant growled as he roared in pain. Tommy slashed his arm as the giant grabbed Tommy and growled

Tommy tried to squirm free, but every time he did, the giant tightened its grip. Tommy gasped as George threw a piece of wood

Sam looked at him and his eyes softened. George noticed a tree behind Ponk as the prince noticed the Slayers weren't paying attention

Purpled, Tommy, and Skeppy were also distracted as George grabbed an ax and cut the tree as Ponk was waiting for their cue

Once done, the tree was making its way towards Ponk as George screamed, "PONK! LOOK OUT!" Ponk turned to see the tree falling as he tripped back

He closed his eyes as everyone noticed the one who saved him was the giant. He had the trunk and placed it down

Both looked at each other as Ponk noticed Tommy jumping and scratching the giant's jaw. It growled and tried to catch him, but George threw a sword at Tommy as George growled and went in front of Sam

"HE'S MINE!" he screamed as Sam noticed George jumped and make a scratch on his shoulder as Techno smiled, "Wanting blood. That's the face and heart of a Slayer!"

George finally managed to take Dream out of their sanctuary. The giant was crawling on all fours as he nervously looked around

"Relax! As long as we're still in the forest, we'll be good," George assured as Dream nodded, but kept looking around for anything

They both heard a growl and a wild giant pushed a boulder as George ran. He jumped forward and barely made it as Dream sighed

The wild giant tackled Dream as George ran away. Dream growled and roared as the wild one caught a glimpse of a human running away

He went after George as Dream gasped and beat the wild one to it. "BACK OFF!" Dream roared as the giant noticed Dream holding George close to his chest

"He's mine! Now leave before I rip you to shreds!" Dream warned as the giant whimpered and ran away

"" George looked at him as Dream smiled, "In a way, you saved me."

George: How?

Dream: You noticed the boulder

George: You didn't?

Dream: No, I did not

George: Thanks, Dream

Dream: Anything for you, my little Georgie!

George made Sam go back as Techno clapped, "Tomorrow is the final giant. George, so far, you have proven you're worthy to be a Giant Slayer! Are you excited?"

"I guess," George answered as his friends cheered, including Sapnap. Tommy clicked his tongue and walked away as George watched the apprentice head towards his house

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