Ch 16 - Apprentice Practice (5) FINAL

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Giant - Punz

"This giant is the one! We wanted Sapnap to kill it for being the strongest, but we let it slide and now he's all yours," Techno said as Punz roared

Easy! He's the tough one! Punz can be like a wild one, but he still acts like a tamed one, George thought as Purpled made his move

Ponk banged his mace on his shield, making a loud noise as the giant growled and covered his ears

"Good, Ponk!" Purpled said as Skeppy climbed on his pant leg and swung his ax, making a cut on the leg as the giant roared in pain

George made his way to him as the giant noticed George and Tommy. He used his arm and swung, hitting Tommy as the human tumbled back

George looked at his hand and then at Punz. He sighed as he knew doing this in front of everyone would only cause chaos

He instead went towards his legs as Punz got on all fours. He scrunched down, keeping George "hidden". "GEORGE!" the apprentices screamed as they noticed the giant's eyes widened and closed

He fell to the side as George stepped out. "WHAT?" they asked as Techno smiled, "Attacking from the inside!"

Dream nuzzled into the human as George giggled, "Dream! Stop! You're like a dog!" Dream just shook his head and continued to nuzzle him

George blushed intensely at the amount of love Dream was giving him. He was nuzzling him, but he also had George close to his chest

The prince could hear the soothing lullaby of his heart. The prince needed to stay awake or his parents will worry

He was near Dream's chest. He touched the center as Dream gasped and purred. He fell to the side as George smiled, "Weak spot?"

Dream: No! It felt...nice

George: Who's a good boy?

Dream: I'm not a dog!

George: So what? You act like one

Dream smiled and kissed George's head as the brunette giggled. He kissed Dream's cheek as the giant blushed into a shade of red

George laughed as Dream purred and cuddled close to the human. "You're so clingy," George said as Dream hummed

"All I did was bite from the inside!" George lied as they all cheered. Techno looked at his clipboard and smiled, "Let me have a talk with King Wilbur."

The Senior Slayer walked towards the castle as George followed. Wilbur was pacing around and noticed Techno and George walking towards him

"What's the matter?" Wilbur asked as Techno grinned, "Your son is ready for his test!" The king smiled and hugged his son

The prince just smiled and hugged his father back. "When will the test be?!" Wilbur asked as he hoped it was right away

Techno: In 1 month. George has 1 month to train by himself

Wilbur: This is great news! My son is finally becoming a Slayer!

Techno: Sapnap and I will help as much as we can to get George ready

Wilbur: Any ideas which giant will George be using?

Techno: By seeing his performance, I say a wild one!

Wilbur: This calls for a feast! We must celebrate!

George smiled nervously. At the day of the test, he planned to show them his gift, but it will result in consequences

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