Ch 6 - The Green-Eyed Giant

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George woke up while staring into the unknown (lol). He dressed himself with the gear Techno has given him and ran towards the arena

He waved at Phil as he ran inside to meet the rest of the apprentices. They were ready for practice and he also heard the giants whimper as Techno walked inside

Everyone followed him and looked at the group, "Which one should be used for training?" All kids except George eyed at the giants as some hummed

"How about this one?" Sapnap pointed at the giant dressed in white with a golden chain. "No, that one is too tough, especially for our prince, which by the way, congrats on your first kill," Techno smiled and everyone applauded for him

George smiled nervously and noticed Phil smiled. He knows! George thought as he sighed and bowed

"Let's do this one," Purpled asked as he pointed at the one in black and red. "Better," Techno said as he looked at Phil and waited for him to release it

Everyone walked back to the arena as Phil struggled to get the giant out. "I don't want to die!" he whispered as George stopped to eavesdrop

Phil: It's ok, Bad. Just a scratch and you'll be back here

Bad: They'll kill me!

Phil: Bad, if you don't go, I'll make you!

Bad: HOW!?

Phil: Fuck!

Bad: Language! Fine! I'll go!

The giant whimpered and made it out as he noticed the apprentices with their weapons out and yelling out a war cry

George rushed behind as Sapnap climbed onto its leg and slashed the thigh area. The giant growled as he fell on one knee and whimpered

Purpled slashed the cheek as the giant yelled and backed away in fear. George stood still and noticed how cruel they were being

"Enough!" Techno ordered as Phil led the injured giant back to its cage. "Good training, and George, come with me."

George gulped and followed Techno into his office as he sat down and stared dead in the prince's eyes

Techno: Why didn't you attack?

George: I'm...uhh...tired...from yesterday'

Techno: I understand, but you need to focus and make a cut on one of them

George: Yes, Techno

Techno: Good

George: Oh, and may I use the library?

Techno: Go ahead

George went into the library and searched for books. He found a few of what he was looking for and sat down to read them

He found some pages that explained a giant's strength, abilities, and which ones were mythical. He opened another book and found it

"The Green-Eyed Giants," George mumbled as he took the book and went towards the cages where Phil was healing the giant

"Phil!" George called as Phil smiled and walked towards him. "I heard you "killed" a giant yesterday. What type?"

George: I didn't kill it

Phil: I figured

George: It's a green-eyed giant

Phil: WHAT?!

George: Yeah


George: No?

Phil laughed as the giants tilted their heads in confusion. "What does it mean?" George asked as Phil grabbed both of George's shoulders

Phil: You found a magic type! MYTHICAL!

George: WHAT?!

Phil: Was it an emerald eye?

George: Yeah?

Phil: Tell me everything!

George: Well, I walked towards it, I freed it, it looked at me with anger, betrayal -


George: Yeah, and it looked at me with soft eyes

Phil: Amazing! You must visit the giant!

George: Why?

Phil: You must! This may be a sign!

George: A sign of what?

???: Friendship, and probably, peace

George and Phil turned to see the giant with a gas mask. He sighed, "I think I now believe you, Phil, but I'm not sure if the prince is actually going to bring back peace."

Phil: Sam! Believe me, he will!

Sam: So he has to make friends with a healer, and now what?

Phil: I'll have her back!

George: Have who?

Sam: His wife, Kristen. She and him were together and married, but the argument separated them both

George: That's sad

Sam: And she said she will be back if you can bring back peace

George: Me?

Phil: Yes! You're the chosen one! You're like me! I can teach you about getting close to him and for him to trust you more!

George: I'll go with my instincts. I'll try to give him time myself

Sam and Phil nodded as George ran back to the castle. The sun began to hide as the moon rose from the other side

George sighed and went to his bed. He grabbed his notebook and drew what he remembered how the giant looked like

Once done, George smiled and got out of his bed and packed bandages, food, and a few mapping papers

He also got food from Phil. He mentioned that it grows once the food is out of the package. The prince smiled and went to bed

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