Ch 11 - Practice For Both Sides

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George only has 2 days before the week of apprenticeship training. He must show Techno he is worthy to be a Giant Slayer, but in the prince's perspective, a Giant Tamer

He was gifted with a touch that surprisingly works on giants. He can have them on his side once he pets them, well, on their soft spot

It worked with Dream, and it also worked with the giants from the cages, but will it work for the wild untamed ones? The ones that look more like monsters?

George stepped into the arena as Sapnap appeared beside Techno, wearing Giant Slayer clothing, and official

Techno walked around them as he went towards the cages. He had a long leash and pulled hard as they all heard a giant growl

"In 2 days, each giant will be out of their cage! Whoever can prove how worthy you are to be a Slayer, I will talk with the king and arrange the test!" Techno said as the apprentices cheered

George could see fury in the giant's forest green eyes, but as he looked at George, his eyes softened. The prince silently waved as the giant waved back, making sure it was hidden

"You all have 2 days to train! Make them count! Sapnap, do the honors of taking this giant back to its cage?" Techno said as Sapnap grabbed the leash, "Sure thing!"

George looked to see Sapnap tug super hard as the giant led out a whimper and followed the human Slayer

Once out, George met up with his father as Wilbur was writing some papers. "Dad?" George called as the king answered, not looking up, "Yes?"

"Is it ok if I go for a ride?" George usually never asks, but he wanted them to know he's been taking his horse out and not visiting a giant

"Sure," he said as George smiled and took out his horse. "Where you going?" a voice asked as George turned to see the new Slayer

George: Sapnap! Why do you ask?

Sapnap: You're on your horse, again! I've noticed you've been riding into the forest

George: Just to feel the wind, I guess

Sapnap: As an official Slayer, I want to come with you!

George: I can take care of myself

Sapnap: Just because you killed a giant weeks ago doesn't mean you're ready

George: I just...need to be alone for a moment!

Sapnap watched the prince ride his horse away as George snapped the reins, making the horse pick up speed

Once out of sight, George hid his horse in the forest and followed the trench. He found the tunnel and went into the sanctuary

He felt the ground rumble a little. Even though there are giants, the ground doesn't rumble unless they stomp, roll around, or jump around

"George!" Dream's voice called as George rushed towards him. The giant crouched down as he rolled to his side

He was on his back and stared at George, which looked like he was upside down. George laughed as Dream rolled onto his stomach and nuzzled the human

"I would like for you to be my giant!" George declared as Dream squealed with happiness. He picked up the brunette and with his cheek, squished him a bit

He apologized as George noticed that Dream's clingy side falls under the category of animal instincts

He smiled as he decided to test it out, "Dream, sit!" The giant sat up as George laughed, "Now up!" The giant stood up to his full height

"Whoa! Now come down!" George said as Dream scrunched down. His nose almost touching the human as he giggled

"Boop!" Dream said as he gently poked George at his chest. "Dream!" George giggled as he hugged his finger

George: I noticed you're part animal!

Dream: You never knew? We all are! My spirit animal is a wolf!

George: Clingy, whiny, and obedient

Dream: Hey!

George: And loyal!

Dream: Don't forget lovable!

George: You really are

Dream kissed George on the cheek as the human blushed deep red. He wanted to cover his face, but Dream gently pinched both his arms together to stop him

"I like seeing you turn red. You look like a cherry," he giggled as George gasped and struggled from the giant's gentle pinch

"T-The sun is setting," George said as Dream nodded. This time, he didn't seem sad. He seemed happy, "I know you'll come back."

George felt the giant bring him up to his face as George kissed his nose, making Dream shiver and turn red

The prince smiled as Dream shyly waved goodbye. George found his horse and rode back home as he noticed Sapnap was waiting for him

"How was your trip?" he asked as George smiled, "The best! Excited for the week!" Sapnap was confused as the prince went back into his castle

Sapnap went into the forest, seeing there was nothing. He found the trench, but he knew it was made by the giant George slayed weeks ago

"Nothing," he mumbled as he started to grow suspicious of the prince. Why do you come here? he thought as he went back home

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