Ch 14 - Apprentice Practice (3)

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Giants - Tubbo & Karl

"Today, we're doing 2 giants! We want to see if 1 against 2 will succeed!" Techno said as Phil released a giant with fluffy brown hair and the one with colorful hoodie

Karl! Tubbo! I hope you're like cats, George thought as Tommy instantly rushed towards them. Both giants dodged the human as Tommy slammed head first into the wall

Ponk had a bow and shot, but missed as the giants growled and crouched down. "HELP!" Ponk called as Purpled threw the ax

Both dodged it as Purpled took Ponk away from the 2 giants. They growled and Tubbo grabbed Ponk as the human screamed

Tubbo's eyes later grew big as he noticed a light moving. He let go of the human as Skeppy and Purpled caught him

George was using the shield as the sun touched the metal, making a small light move. Karl and Tubbo purred as they circled around each other or bumped

They tried catching the light, but during the process, they were hitting each other. Techno and Sapnap smiled as George led them to their cages

George and Dream were bored as Dream poked at the human. George flayed his arms to keep Dream from touching him again

The prince closed an eye as he noticed his mirror reflected a small light. He pointed in the direction of the giant as his eyes widened like a cat

He pounced, making the ground rumble a little, as he noticed the light was moving around. The human giggled as he moved the mirror, making the light go in circles

Dream was chasing it for hours. He finally gave up and lied on his back. He was breathing kind of hard

"You like chasing things?" George asked as Dream noticed the light reflect on the mirror George was holding

"You stupid fuck!" Dream joked as George laughed and rubbed the giant's cheek in circles as he purred

Tommy woke up, seeing George getting the "love" and "attention". He doesn't understand how he knows how to distract them

Skeppy had sodas as they all drank. "Tommy! Come join us!" Ponk called as Tommy shook his head, "I'm tired."

They all cheered as George smiled. He was in the lead still. "How do you come up with those ideas?" Skeppy asked the prince as he smiled, "I like trying out new things."

They all smiled and raised their cans. They drank as George felt a piercing gaze from Tommy. He just waved at him as the curtains closed

"So, what do you think Techno will choose?" Purpled asked George as he shrugged

Ponk: Wild!

Skeppy: Yep! Definitely!

Purpled: Maybe the one in green or white! I hope the one in green!

George: Guys! What if I don't make it?

Skeppy: You're literally beating us with your brains!

George: I hate to brag, but thanks for pointing it out!

They all smiled as they all waved goodbye and said goodnight. George was happy that at least none of the giants were harmed badly, but he still felt bad for attacking them and scratching them

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