Ch 28 - We Are Giants All Way

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The giants rushed as Dream made the highest jump. He clawed on the waist as Colossal growled in pain

Karl surprisingly had an ability, as he took out a pastel rainbow whip, matching the colors of his hood, and whipping at Colossal's arm, coiling around as Karl swung, with Sapnap holding on his hood collar tightly

Sam's face magically was covered by a gas mask as he threw smoke bombs, exploding in front of the monster's face

Tubbo had curled horns growing from his head as he ran on fours and rammed into Colossal's ankle, making him stumble a bit

Ranboo felt his eyes slit as he hissed demonically. He teleported on Colossal's head and smacked it, laughing while doing so

"STOP THAT!" Colossal screeched as Tommy dug his sword deep into the head. It didn't make it all the way to its skull, but at least blood seeped through

Bad growled as he felt his eyes glowing in white. He clawed all the way towards Colossal's chest as he took out a sword out of nowhere

He pierced the chest as Colossal roared in pain. The humans were also marking and cutting through the tough skin, and they know blood dripping out is progress

Punz's chain grew into a lasso as he used it to chain the Colossal's arm. He pulled with all his might, nearly causing the golden chains to rip off his hand

Dream landed back on the ground as he was heaving. George slid down and ran to get water, but was stopped by Wilbur

Wilbur: What are you doing?!

George: Saving my giant and ourselves!

Wilbur: How did you -

George: I am the Tamer, dad!

Wilbur: But -

George: Help us kill the Colossal! The giants will be free if we kill it!

Wilbur: ...

George: Please, dad!

Wilbur: I'm...sorry

George: No time to apologize! Fire the cannons from the boats and prepare the catapults! The wild ones will help you!

Wilbur: Yes, Your Highness

George smiled as Wilbur winked. George whistled as the wild giants gathered around him. "Get as many giant boulders as you can! Colossal will go down!"

The giants cheered as they searched the island for boulders. "Stay with Wilbur!" George ordered as the giants nodded

"Dream! Water!" George called as the giant thanked him. The human unlocked it from its bag and a glass grew

Dream jugged down the water as he smiled. George climbed on Dream as the giant placed him on his shoulder

George grabbed the cotton collar as Dream dashed and jumped. He clawed back onto Colossal as the other tamed giants were clawing and marking its body

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