Ch 2 - New L'Manburg Prince

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18 Years Later

The son of Wilbur, the prince of New L'Manburg, has turned 18. It was the age when they are now getting trained to become Giant Slayers

"George, come look! The people want to see you!" Wilbur said as he noticed a brunette, combed, tired, and annoyed

George stepped into the balcony with his father as the people cheered. He looked down and spotted a man with blonde hair, a black, long coat, and a green and white hat

The prince hurried down as the people were surprised to see the prince out of his castle. He was greeted by many as he smiled and waved

He pushed through the crowd and met with the man, "Hey Phil!" Phil bowed as George shook his head, "I said that wasn't necessary."

Phil: I can't disrespect the prince!

George: I just don't like it when you're greeting me that way

Phil: George, even though I am a close friend of yours, I still have to

George: Oh, ok

Phil: Do you want to go see the arena?

George: I do, but I hate it

Phil: I see. Let's go. Either way, I have to heal the giants

George knew Phil loves the giants, but never knew why. He's heard stories of how human and giant kind used to live in harmony, but if his father hears anyone mentioning it, they get thrown in jail

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