Ch 24 - Punished

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Wilbur stormed into the castle as he heard George kicking and trashing, trying to free himself from the guards' grip

They dropped him at the hall floor as they stood behind him. "How could you do this to me?!" Wilbur yelled as George kept his head high


George: Dad! I -

Wilbur: ENOUGH! I noticed you know!

George: Dream is not a monster!

Wilbur: HE'S NOT?! He nearly killed me!

George: You led a war against them!

Wilbur: It was meant to be! They are not our kings!

George: It was never meant to be! He saved my life multiple times!

Wilbur: So the whole picnic thing was a lie?! You've been hanging out with that beast?!

George: He's not a beast! He's my boyfriend!

George gasped as Wilbur walked back a few steps. "THAT IS TOO FAR!" Wilbur shouted as George tensed at his father's voice

"Lock him up in his room!" he ordered as George begged no. "I will take your giant to the Island of Colossus!"

George's eyes widened, "NO! DAD! PLEASE! NOT THERE!" Wilbur turned to look at him, "Oh! So you know about that island?"


Wilbur: And why must I listen to you? You tamed a giant behind our backs, it nearly killed me, and you broke many rules!

George: Please! He's afraid! They're going to kill him!

Wilbur: That's the intention

George was held by the guards as Wilbur walked away. He was dropped as the guards stayed inside his room, guarding his door

He ran towards the balcony and looked at the guards. He looked back down as he noticed he had nothing - no way to go down, escape, he was trapped

He looked at the Slayers and some guards pulling ropes. They were pulling a flat metal cart, and on the flat cart was a giant cage with a giant inside

The giant had his head down. He had the muzzle cage, chains and ropes tied on his wrists, ankles, thighs, and neck

"DREAM!" George called as the giant looked up. He noticed George crying as Dream whimpered, unable to move

Both watched each other helplessly as they took the cage into the boats. Dream stared at the human prince as he whimpered

"QUIET!" Techno slammed the cage as Dream looked at him and growled. He looked back at the prince as George extended his arm out

"I LOVE YOU!" George screamed, making everyone turn to look at him. Dream blushed and felt tears streaming down

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