Ch 9 - Slayer

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George woke up as he hissed, feeling the sun's rays hit his face. "Wake up, George!" his father, the king, sounded excited

George: For what?

Wilbur: Sapnap is having his test! I would like for you to see how it'll be done!

George: What?

Wilbur: Yeah! His giant is yet to be announced, but I heard he might be using the one in white

George: One of Phil's?

Wilbur: Either one of Phil's, or a wild one!

George: Oh, ok

Wilbur: You don't sound excited

George: I am! Just *yawn* tired

Wilbur: Get dressed in your royal outfit! We'll be the judges!

George groaned and got out of bed. His plan was to visit Dream, not be at some tournament test! He got dressed in a white shirt, champagne pants, and wore medallions from his father

He decided to walk towards the cages and heard whimpers. "You must behave! He'll choose you and the test will be to kill you!" Phil's voice sounded worried

George ran in, seeing Punz growling and pacing around his cage. "Hey, Phil!" George said, but noticed Phil's eyes were full of worry

Phil: If Punz doesn't calm down, they're going to kill him!

George: Have you tried?

Phil: Yes!

George: Let me try

Phil: Good luck, I guess

George used the stairs and made it to the giant's face. "Hey, Punz," George called softly as the giant in white looked at him

George: Just want to say, stay calm by the time Techno comes in

Punz: HELL NO!

George: Why not?

Punz: I have been waiting for this day to come!

George: But Phil wants you to be safe! If you go out there, you'll die!

Punz: I don't care!


With that, Punz watched the human prince give him a deathly stare and sat down. "Didn't think you had the guts to scream at me," the giant mumbled as the prince heard the doors opening

"I must go!" George whispered as Phil waved goodbye. The prince made it out in time as he heard Techno humming

He quickly made his way towards the 3 thrones. His mother was on the left, his father on the center, and his throne on the right

"George! It's about to start!" the king said excitedly as the brunette sat down. His mother and father stood up in sync as George stood up along with them

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