Ch 23 - Giant Test

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This chapter will show 2 POV's!


George was dressed with polyester and light cotton clothing as his dressers prepared it for him for the test

It's comfortable for him to move and stretch. He nervously fiddled with his hair as he noticed his mother at the door

She hugged him as George cried on his mother's dress

Nikita: I know. Just you do you

George: What if it goes wrong?

Nikita: As long as you only have to deal with your father, you should be ok

George: Thanks, mom

His mother kissed him as he walked out. The guards stood still as the prince walked by them. They marched behind him as he noticed one of the servants holding a scabbard on a pillow

George grabbed it and slowly pulled out the sword. It shined from the sun's rays as he noticed it reflected

He could see his eyes looking at the blade with fear. He placed it back in and put the belt on and the scabbard on his belt

He walked all the way towards the arena as people cheered. Almost the entire town came as he noticed the benches were full

Sapnap and Phil were at the cages as George went towards them before the test. "Good luck," Phil said as Sapnap hugged George, "Just be careful, and if something goes wrong, I'll be there."

George smiled and looked at the giants. They all smiled as they all gave a few words to him

Sam: If it all goes well, hopefully, today or tomorrow is our last time in these cages

Punz: Don't attack it. Wild ones are sensitive

Tubbo: I hope we can get out of here. I miss seeing the sun

Ranboo: You still do, just a ray

Karl: Good luck! I hope you can show them all we are not what we are!

Bad: You have grown, muffin head! Tame that beast!

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