Ch 10 - Talk

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George woke up early and got dressed in his hoodie. His father never allowed him to wear it because it was more "poor" like, but when George finds the time, he'll wear it

He made himself some breakfast and lunch. He sneaked into Phil's cages and found the lunch bags and took a few

They become giant size once out of the bag. These are for Dream, George smiled as he felt his cheeks hot again

He rode his horse into the forest and found the familiar trench. He hid his horse and tied the reins on a nearby tree

He slid down and followed until he found the tunnel that leads to the sanctuary. He crawled inside and noticed the pond was cleaner

He heard a mumble and looked around. He felt something push him forward and turned to see the giant place his head down

"Dream!" George hugged the giant by the nose as he noticed Dream's hand was placed behind him, as if he were hugging him

"I brought you something!" George showed Dream 3 packages as the giant sniffed and purred. "Which one?" George asked as Dream pointed at the center one

George opened it, revealing beef stew. Dream felt his mouth water and picked up the bowl and began to eat it with class

"You really are well trained for a wild one," George said as he noticed the giant using the spoon and not eating it by slurping it like an animal

"I wish you could talk," George mumbled as he felt a giant finger pet his head. He giggled and grabbed Dream's finger and hugged it

"I can for you," the giant spoke, making George stand up and back away a little. "F-For me?" he stuttered, feeling flustered as the giant smiled and chuckled

Dream: Of course

George: Your voice!

Dream: Is it...bad?

George: It's...gorgeous! *gasp* Fuck!

Dream: Is it?

George: *flustered* Y-Yeah! I just w-w-wasn't expecting your v-voice to b-be s-s-so...m-manly

Dream: I get that a lot

George: Who?

Dream: My parents. When I spoke, I sounded soft like my mother, and manly like my father

George: That's sweet!

Dream: They died from the humans

George felt his heart hurt from guilt. He felt his eyes water and sniffed. He felt Dream's hands scoop him up as he gasped and tumbled a little

Dream had his hands cupped and nuzzled the human. "I know it's not your fault," Dream whispered as the prince sniffed, "But my parents' were there. My dad wiped out most of the mythical giants,"

Dream: I know

George: You are like us, but bigger!

Dream: They don't see us that way

George: But they must open their eyes! You're so kind to me! If they find out about you, they'll hunt you down!

Dream: George

George: I don't want them to kill you! I saw how the Slayers kill giants! It's horrible! I don't want to lose y -

George felt a warm thumb over his mouth. He looked up, seeing the giant with worry. "I won't let them."

George hugged Dream's thumb. He cried and felt the hands lift up. He looked up, seeing lips kissing his head as he gasped

He was deep red and the giant smiled. "I like you, George," Dream said, making the prince blush intensely

"I have to g-go," George said as Dream saddened. "Can't you stay for a little longer?" the giant asked as the prince shook his head, "I have been out for too long. It's almost sunset!" 

Dream hesitated and slowly placed the human down. "I'll come back tomorrow. I promise," George assured as Dream placed his hand down

With his fingers, he gently brushed George's face as he giggled. The human waved goodbye and made his way to the forest where he hid his horse

He rode back home, making sure no one saw him coming in. He placed his horse in his stable and met up with Phil

He noticed Phil was petting Bad as the giant was sniffing and crying. "What happened?" the prince asked as the giant spoke

Bad: Next week is going to be the week of our torture!

Phil: He's exaggerating, but it's the week of the apprentice's practice

George: I forgot!

Bad: I start! I am the first!

George: But Techno needs to see which apprentice is the best, right?

Phil: Yes! If you can show them a way of making the giants back inside without harming them, he might be impressed

George: But he expects for us to show blood! We must make at least a scratch!

Phil: I know, but I believe if you hang out with your giant, you might get ideas

George: How is that going to work for next week?!

Phil: I did say Giant Riders used to exist. They tamed their giants. They either tame them to show their animal side, human side, or both

George: I'll have to read about that

Phil: Here

Phil took out a book from his robe and handed it to the prince. "These are tips of training a giant for both human and animal sides."

George nodded and went back to the castle. He needs to tame Dream for the giant to defend himself, and maybe even try to help the prince if in danger

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