Chapter 2

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There were still things that required adjusting, but Grace seemed to be able to adapt quickly. She often wondered if she was always like that but didn't know. The blonde girl had no memories of who she was before arriving in the box. Any clue as to who she was, was long gone.

It was like that for everyone. Nobody knew who they were. All they knew was the Glade. Newt said she adjusted better than some, but Grace wasn't sure she believed him. It took her a day to talk and even longer to get her footing. Part of her adjustment was due to the Med-Jack job. Typically Greenies try out different jobs to see what fits, but not her. Alby put her in the Med-Jack hut by her second day. She never left after that, and she wouldn't given a choice.

Most of the day, they would get lucky to have one, maybe two people. But most of the time it was just the three of them, which she loved. The two boys always made the time pass by quickly. "Hey," a voice broke through the silence. Grace glanced over her shoulder from her crouched position and noticed a familiar face. It was Gally. The Keeper of the Builders. "Newt said you have a broken frame?"

"Yeah." Clint pointed to one of the beds used for injured Gladers. "That one."

Gally nodded and brushed right past Grace without even looking at her. "Good that." He dropped his tools. "What happened to it?"

"Jeff fell through it."

"Man," Jeff said slightly annoyed. "Why you gotta tell him that?"

"Resources are slim here," Gally huffed. "You need to be considerate."

Jeff rolled his eyes, causing Grace to bite her lip. Shaking her head, she continued organizing the Med-Jack cabinets. Gally was different than a lot of others in the Glade. He wasn't curious about her. In fact, he didn't like her. He voiced his concerns about a female in the Glade constantly. What could that mean for them? Most didn't listen, and others didn't care. However, he still kept his distance and voiced his beliefs to his Builder friends.

At first, it annoyed her. He only had it out for her because of who she was, a girl. But after speaking with Newt and learning more about him, she kind of understood. Gally had been around a long time, and he cared about the Glade. Of course, something changing would cause him concern. Especially something as significant as a girl showing up. But his hesitations about her only made Grace want Gally to like her more. As if the challenge was something she couldn't back down from.

"That looks great." Clint stood next to Grace. "Good call to reorganize."

"Yeah?" She dusted her hands off on her green pants. "Not like we had much else to do." Gally glanced over the top of the frame, catching her eye. She smiled at him, but he instantly looked away.

"Grace," Jeff spoke up. "Can you bring these unused crates to Zart?"

"Sure." It was not something she wanted to do but agreed anyway. Walking towards the entrance, she picked up the stack of crates. The items were heavier than she expected, but Grace acted as if it was nothing.

Slipping out the door, she readjusted the crates in her hands. The gardens weren't too far of a walk, but Grace knew it would take longer due to the weight in her hands. Today was particularly warm, but the sun felt nice. Having been inside a shack all day, she welcomed the warmth on her skin. Shuffling through the Glade, Grace focused on getting towards the gardens. Passing by the Maze doors, she failed to notice the two people running inside.

Ben slowed his walk seeing the girl struggling with the crates. "I'll meet you in the hut," he spoke.

"What," Minho questioned confused. However, Ben was already jogging away from him.

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