Chapter 59

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They made it only one block before Newt's body gave out completely. "We're almost there, Newt." They were carrying him.

"Just leave me," Newt spoke. A black liquid was starting to bubble in his throat.

There was an explosion in front of them. A car went rolling down the street. Grace took a step back, wincing from the heat. "Get back!" Dozens of people screamed as they ran to attack.

Newt fell to the ground. Grace was horrified by what she was seeing. Dead bodies. Gunfire. Explosions. Screaming. Repeat. It never seemed to end.

Suddenly, a Berg flew over their heads. It was headed toward the tunnels. "Brenda," Grace whispered. It was Brenda. She knew it. "That's them." Thomas came to the same conclusion. "We have to go."

"Go without me," Newt begged. He was slowing them down. "Go-" Newt leaned over and began spitting up the black liquid.

Grace's heart ached at the sight. She had spent months obsessing over rescuing Minho, failing to realize what she had right in front of her. That was Newt. Her first friend in the Glade. The person she ever remembered connecting with. He needed her, and she failed him. Grace hadn't noticed the signs fast enough. They should have done something sooner. Newt should have waited with Gally for the serum, not her.

Newt wheezed, unable to take a full breath. Grace knew he couldn't carry on much longer. At this rate, he would never make it to the Berg. "Minho," Thomas began. "You run ahead and get the serum. Then come back to us as fast as you can." It wasn't ideal, but it's what they had to do. They had to get the serum. Newt would die without it.

"He's right," Gally agreed. "I'll cover."

Grace agreed. "I'll stay with Thomas-"

"Go with them," Thomas demanded. He couldn't risk her staying behind. It wasn't safe.



"It's okay, Grey," Newt breathed.

Grace stared at him, smiling sadly. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay." She touched his cheek, feeling his hot skin. It was damp from sweat and rigid from the veins. Her hand fell back to her side. Newt grabbed Minho's hand. "Thank you, Minho." Grace stood up, wiping the tear that escaped. She had to find Brenda and get the serum.

"Hey," Minho said. "Just hang on. You hear me?" There was a pause. Minho reluctantly let go. Grace stared at Newt a moment longer, silently hoping they were fast enough.

Minho nudged her shoulder. It was time for them to go. Grace spun around, running with Gally into the fight. "Go, guys, go." She raised her gun, firing at any soldiers that got near them.


"Thomas," Teresa's voice blared over the PA system. "Thomas, can you hear me?" Grace was running beside Minho and Gally, desperate to get to Brenda. "I need you to listen to me. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I need you to come back." Gunfire surrounded them. "Thomas, you can save Newt. There is still time for him." Buildings crumbled. "There is a reason Brenda's not sick anymore. It's your blood. You cured her." Grace tried to ignore her words. They didn't matter. Finding Brenda and getting Newt the serum was all that mattered. "Do you understand me? Brenda isn't sick because you cured her." Brenda was cured. Grace was grateful for that. "She doesn't have to be the only one. You just need to come back. It will all be over. Come back to me. I know you'll-" the power cut out. Teresa's voice vanished.

They approached the area with the tunnel. "Up there!" Gally pointed at the platform that held the Berg. Seeing how close they were brought Grace a sense of relief, but it wasn't over yet. They had to get the serum and then find Thomas and Newt.

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