Chapter 5

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The sound of an alarm blaring caused Grace to jump. The glass of water in her hand fell and hit the ground. The cup rolled to the side, now empty. "Greenie's here," Jeff jumped up from his spot. Clint did the same thing and began heading towards the door.

Grace trailed after them and noticed everyone heading for the box. "Why is it so loud?"

"You're asking the wrong person, Greenie," Clint called out.

"Not the Greenie anymore," she reminded him. "We're about to get a new one."

"But they aren't here yet," Jeff slung an arm over her shoulders. "So, you're still our Greenie." Grace huffed and came to a stop outside the edge of the group.

Clint stood by their side as they waited for news about the Greenie. Not everyone came to see. Most stayed at their posts. Newt approached them with Zart, "hey, Newt."


The boy bent over and helped pull back the doors with Gally. The two moved down and pulled open the second set of doors. As expected, Gally jumped in first. Grace moved closer and peered inside the box. She silently hoped there was a girl inside, but there wasn't. A red-haired boy laid against a stack of boxes. "Sorry, Grace. I guess you're the only She-Bean for another month."

"I'm sure I'll survive." Gally was already inside the box talking to the boy. It was unclear what they were talking about, but it didn't last long. The Keeper of the Builders grabbed the rope someone had thrown in and climbed out. The red-haired boy followed after him. It took him longer, but he managed to do it.

The whispering in the crowd grew seeing him stand up. The boy looked around and took in the Glade. Grace wasn't sure what happened after this, but to her surprise, the boy leaned over. The other Gladers jumped back as he began to vomit. "That's disgusting," Grace stumbled back.

"Yeah," Jeff agreed. "You would be amazed how often they do that." Grace wasn't entirely surprised by that. From her recall of the experience, the ride up was overwhelming and terrifying.

"All right," Gally called over the crowd as Newt guided the new Glader away. "Everyone back to work."


The fire was high in the sky, and Grace watched as the Gladers around her drank from jars. "What do you think, Greenie," Jeff questioned her. "How's your first bonfire?"

"Not the Greenie," she corrected. "And very loud, but I like it."

It was loud. Everyone was either laughing, talking, or chanting for Gally in the fighting ring they made. "You'll get used to the noise," Brandon promised her.

"Here." Ben approached them with a jar of amber liquid. "Try this."

"What is it." Grace took the glass and inspected it. The smell was awful.

"Gally's recipe," he informed her. "Try it."

"Is it pee?"

Brandon was shocked, "what? No." He stared at the liquid. "Wait. Is it?"

"No," Jeff shoved her his shoulder. His dark skin shinned from the light provided by the fire, and there was a warmth in his eyes. "It's definitely not."

Zart, Ben, and Clint watched as the girl raised the glass to her lips. Not wanting to disappoint, she took a sip. In a flash, she ripped the glass away and began to spit it out. Jeff and Zart laughed loudly, and Clint shook his head in disappointment. "That's disgusting."

"I know," Ben had a gleeful expression.

"Why did you make me drink it then?"

He shrugged, "thought it would be funny."

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