Chapter 34

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The group was divided in the large building. Grace stayed by Teresa but was still close to Frypan and Newt. They were inspecting the area, grabbing anything they may need. Grace had a bag slung over her shoulder. So far, it was full of flashlights and water. There was no food.

Grace was exhausted. Her body was begging her to rest. Since escaping the Maze, she rarely found sleep. Sleeping in a room alone was scary. She didn't like being separated from her fellow Gladers, and she didn't like being separated from Minho.

She worried about him constantly. It wasn't normal how much she thought about him. She remembered how he kissed her back in the Glade. The way his lips felt against hers. They fit together like puzzles pieces. Like they were made for each other. Looking back, memories of the Glade were hard to stomach. She thought when they escaped their troubles would be over. How wrong she was. Things were harder than ever.

There was a rustling noise as Newt and Frypan crammed their bags full of stuff. Grace ventured into the next room with Teresa. It held abandoned mattresses and books. Teresa moved her flashlight onto a mannequin. They both gasped, moving back. Neither was expecting it. Newt looked up. "You guys okay?"

"Fine," Teresa answered for them.

Grace moved towards a table. It was full of clothes. "Teresa." The dark-haired girl approached the table.

She set down her flashlight and yanked off the shirt she was wearing. Grace stood in a bra but didn't care. She was past that. Grabbing a new black tank-top, she slipped it over her head. Teresa was doing the same thing. Next, she unbuckled her pants. Grace grabbed a pair of greyish/black loose pants and put them on. She then slipped on a long, brown jacket. Opening her bag, she stuffed a floral scarf inside. It could come in handy later as a wind blocker or a wrap. She put a few other pieces of clothing inside the bag.

She felt better in the new clothes. Grace slung the backpack over her shoulders, buckling it in the front. The last thing she wanted to do was lose it. "There are shoes over here."

Grace hadn't even realized Teresa had moved. "Thanks." She began rifling through the shoes. It didn't matter what they looked like as long as they fit. She found a pair of grey boots. Slipping off her shoes, she put them on. Luckily, they fit perfectly. They were far comfier than what she had before. Grace brushed out her hair. "Come on." The others were moving into a different area.

The building was eerily silent. There was no telling where Thomas and Minho were. Grace knew they would come back. They were the strongest, fastest, and for the most part, smartest.

Suddenly, all of the lights turned on. Grace turned off her flashlight. "Well," Newt muttered. "I guess they found the lights."

With the lights on, the building seemed to get bigger. Looking up, she noticed that the building was several stories high. The roof appeared to be caving in. There were sand piles on the upper levels. Whatever this place was, it was evident it hadn't been used for its original purpose in a very long time.

Grace ventured down the corridor. The others are close by. "Hey," Winston approached them with a bag. "What's going on?"

"No idea," Frypan responded.

"Hey," someone screamed in the distance. They all followed the voice. "Run!" It was Thomas and Minho. "Run!" They all stood there. "Go!" Something appeared to be chasing them.

"Shit," Newt whispered.


"Go," Frypan yelled. "Go, go, go!" Grace started running in the opposite direction. Whatever was chasing them growled. The blonde looked back. Thomas and Minho were getting closer, but several things were chasing them.

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