Chapter 48

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Everything had been leading to this day. Months of planning, reliable sources, and dedication boiled down to one day. They had done all of this for Minho, and the other kids WICKED had taken. Today, they would take a train car off the train and free everyone inside, including Minho. They had one chance. If they failed, they would never be able to try again. It had to be perfect. Grace knew it would be. She knew this plan was perfect.

Vince drove the car down the street at record speed. Grace shared a seat with Thomas, refusing to sit on the sidelines. She had spent six months preparing for today. If anyone was jumping into the action, it was her. Thomas was against the idea for a long time but had eventually agreed.

Her eyes were on the train as they approached from the side. Thomas held the radio in his hand. They were unable to see Jorge and Brenda, but Grace knew they would stick to the plan.

"Brenda," Thomas spoke loudly into the radio. "We are coming from behind." The train was passing them, but they planned to board from the back. "Keep them busy."

"Hang on," Vince shouted as they hit a hole. Grace held onto the back of his seat. They drove for a moment. Grace kept her eyes forward, feeling determined. She knew this plan would work. It had to work. This was the closest she had been to Minho in six months.

Vince drove over the train tracks. The car jumped a few feet into the air before crashing down. Grace held onto the chair tightly but leaned into Thomas sightly. He didn't mind. The car vibrated as the tires rested against the rails.

"This is crazy," Vince yelled. He was right, of course. The plan was crazy, but it would work. Grace had no doubt about that.

"Keep going," Grace responded. They couldn't stop now. Minho was so close. Everything had been building to this moment right now. Thomas unbuckled his seat belt, climbing outside of the car. There wasn't a door for him to open. He held on tightly and managed to move onto the hood quickly. Grace followed him, hanging half her body outside the vehicle. The wind hit her in the face, but her hair was pulled into two tight braids. "Be careful," Grace shouted at her brother. Thomas slid to the front of the car, grabbing a hook.

"We have to get closer!" Grace held onto the car tightly. Vince did the best he could, but it was hard to drive the vehicle. He hit a rock, causing Grace to falter.

"Careful," he yelled at her.

She smiled at him. "Have a little faith in me." He glared at her but didn't mean anything by it. Grace slowly moved onto the front of the car, watching as Thomas leaned forward. She was ready to leap forward and grab him if he looked unsteady. But luckily, that never happened. He managed to hook the car onto the train.

Thomas jumped onto the train. Grace shimmied down the hood of the car. He raised his arm to help her. Rather than denying his help, she took it. She safely made it onto the train. "Vince," Thomas waved at him. "Come on!" This would be the hard part. Nobody would be driving the car.

Vince held the wheel as he got onto the hood, wanting to let go at the last possible second. Once he was sturdy, he let go. The car started to slow down, creating a bigger hole.

"Vince, hurry," Grace shouted. Suddenly, one of the tires popped. Vince fell, nearly sliding off. "Vince!" They began to doubt if he would make it. The gap was getting bigger. "Come on!" They needed him. Grace needed Vince.

He managed to get to his feet. "Jump," Thomas shouted. There was a second of hesitation, but then he jumped. Vince lept onto the train, grabbing onto the ladder. The hook then snapped, causing the car to flip. He had barely made it.

Vince held onto the ladder, but half his body was still hanging over the edge. "I got you." Grace helped pull him onto the train.

"Thanks, kid," Vince spoke to her. He looked behind them, noticing something they didn't. "Hey." He pointed at the sky. "Berg." Grace noticed the hovercraft and smirked. So far, everything was going according to plan. They needed the Berg to take the train car.

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