Chapter 62

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Grace had imagined what the Safe Haven would look like for months. It was often described as paradise. She thought it was an exaggeration, but it wasn't. The Safe Haven really was paradise. It took them a week by boat to arrive. Thomas had healed greatly in that time but remained asleep.

There were already people living in the Safe Haven. Part of their group had gone out to prepare for the arrival of the rest two months ago. Gardens were growing fresh veggies. Smoke rose from fires as they cooked.

The moment they stepped onto the sandy beach that was their new home, Vince got to work. There would be time in the future to build individual huts and more advanced buildings, but they needed a bigger place to sleep right now.

Grace went with a group to bring Thomas to the Med-Jack hut. They had taken him off the sedative. Soon, he would wake up in their new home. The events that had transpired a week ago would be fresh for him. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but Grace knew Thomas would be okay.

Knowing that Thomas was situated, Grace ventured through the camp. She smiled at Aris and Sonya as they worked near the gardens with Vince. Her eyes then found Brenda, who stood alone. "Brenda," her voice called out.

The dark-haired girl spun around. "There you are." They approached each other. "I was looking for you."

"I went with Thomas."

"Ah, should have known."

Grace nodded. "Have you seen Minho?"

Brenda rolled her eyes. "We've been here three hours, and you're already looking for him. Am I not good enough for you?" She interlocked their arms. "Come on."

All Grace could do was laugh as her friend dragged her to sit on the steps. She didn't mind. Minho was somewhere close by, but he was safe. That was all that mattered. They would have forever together now. There was no rush.

It was at that moment Grace realized the true meaning of her thought. Forever. That was something she never had before. Life had been chaotic for as long as she could remember. She never imagined forever before, but this was her forever. This was her paradise, her Safe Haven. WICKED was gone. The city was destroyed. Nobody would be left to come after them. There was no danger.

This was the life she pictured the day they escaped the Maze. This was what she thought was waiting for her on the other side. It took a bit longer, but she finally made it to paradise.

The Safe Haven was her home now. She would be here forever. For some reason, forever didn't feel like it was long enough.

Grace sat beside Brenda, the two girls falling into conversation easily. It wasn't long until Harriet joined them. The three sat together comfortably, laughing at different stories and talking about everything and anything. It felt normal. It was normal. Grace forgot about all the bad that happened. Her mind was void of all the negative thoughts. All she felt was happiness.

She hoped it would be like this forever. Something told her it would be.

Minho eventually found her. A smile appeared on his face as he watched. Grace tossed her head back, laughing at something Brenda had said. Harriet had an arm thrown over Grace's shoulders, her head forward as she laughed as well.

Jorge slapped his shoulder, startling him. The two sat a few feet away, working on carving wood. It was peaceful. Grace noticed Minho instantly but didn't leave her conversation.

The hours went by quickly. One. Two. Three. It was nearing the fourth when a figure walked toward them. Grace didn't see them, not at first. It wasn't until Minho and Jorge stood up that her attention shifted. Her eyes followed him as he approached Thomas. Immediately, she stood up. Brenda and Harriet followed closely behind. Frypan, Aris, and Gally joined.

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