Chapter 11

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Two 1/2 Months Later

Grace walked through the Glade silently with a basket in her arms. Her hair was pulled back over her shoulder in a loose ponytail. She smiles at the others as she passes them by.

Time had started to pass quickly. Each day was filled with new adventures inside the four walls she called home. Most days consisted of Jeff and Clint. Things had changed after Aaron for a while, but that was all in the past. She had moved on and was making the most out of life. Nobody feared her presence anymore. The Gladers knew she wasn't a threat and had stopped carrying about her. Once they got used to there being a female Glader, they stopped showing interest. In time, most crushes faded. They simply didn't care anymore, and she was grateful for that.

"Thanks," Gally grabbed an apple off the stack.

"Hey! Those are for Frypan."

He took a bite, "want it back?"

Grace playfully glared at him. "No, that's disgusting." The biggest change was her friendship with Gally. The truth was, they were friends now. Once Gally got over his concerns about her, he became a pretty good friend. He was still hard-headed and arrogant, but Grace had come to like that about him. "Throw it away properly, and I won't tell Fry." He saluted her and walked back towards the Builder's shack. Grace continued walking towards Frypan with the basket. Newt had asked her to carry it for him. His limp had been pretty bad the last few days, and his leg was causing him some discomfort. She was more than happy to help her friend.

"Grace," Frypan noticed her. "What do you have for me?"

"Some apples," she set the basket down. "And your basket back. Sorry for stealing it."

He laughed, "didn't even notice. Thanks, She-Bean."

"No problem." Before either could do anything, the alarm went off. It was a signal that the new Greenie was coming.

"Great," Fry slipped off his apron. "Another confused Greenie is coming up."

Grace chuckled, "maybe we'll get a girl."

Frypan scoffed as they walked towards the center where the box came up. "I think you were a mistake."


"Yep," he muttered. "A mistake they can't take back."

She thought about it for a moment. It was a theory that had never crossed her mind. "By that logic, then somewhere out there is a Maze full of girls." He froze, head spinning. "What?"

"Man," he muttered. "Wish they would have sent me there instead."

Grace couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped. "What, am I not good enough for you?"

Frypan smiled brightly, his teeth reflecting in the sun. "Don't worry. I'll settle for one She-Bean then none."

"Gee, I'm honored." They stopped at the box. A large crowd had already gathered.

"Gray," Newt's voice called out. She looked at him through her green eyes. The nickname had started a few weeks ago, but she didn't mind. It was better than She-Bean. "Hoping for another Glader girl?"

She smiled at him, but it was forced. There was never going to be another girl sent up in the box. As Fry had said, there was a chance that it was a mistake. It made the most sense. "Always, Newt." If there was another Maze out there, and she was supposed to be there, then that meant Grace never would have known the people she was currently with. She wouldn't want to be in a different Maze, even if there were other girls. The friendships she made here were more important. It didn't matter if she was the only girl, not anymore.

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