Chapter 16

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Ignoring would be the wrong word used to describe what Grace was doing. Ignoring Minho was not what she was doing. She wasn't going out of her way to avoid him, but she wasn't searching for him as she normally did.

She blamed Frypan for her actions. He was the one who messed with her head. Made her start to question how she felt. Maybe it was denial, or maybe she was scared. Whatever the reason is doesn't matter. Grace needs to focus on what is going on around her now. They were stuck in a place surrounded by walls with no way out. That was what she should be focusing on. Not her feelings. It was stupid. She knew that, but it didn't matter. Grace had never been in this type of situation before. At least not that she remembered.

It had been a week. She spent her days working with Jeff and Clint. Winston had been injured twice this week. He was the only one. At night she spent time with Chuck. Surprisingly, he was great company. He was funny and kind. They hung out by the treehouse mostly.

Sometimes she would see Minho, but that was mainly at dinner, which she avoided. She would get food from Frypan and meet Chuck by the Homestead. Occasionally, Newt would join them. He never questioned her odd behavior, but it was clear he was curious.

Grace dusted her hands on her pants. She was the last person left in the Med-Jack hut. Clint and Jeff had left over an hour ago. They had made a mess of things, and she decided to stay behind and clean it up.

She spun around on her heel and walked out of the hut. However, she stopped seeing a figure waiting outside the door. Minho was leaning against a tree, his eyes on the Glade. "Hey," she greets him. "What are you doing out here?"

Minho glances at her, a smile appearing at the sight of her. "Waiting for you. I haven't seen you in a while."

Grace tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Her hair is tied in a tight ponytail, but a few pieces had fallen throughout the day. "Sorry." She starts walking past him.

As expected, he follows after her. "What have you been doing?"

"Oh, you know," she says. "Just Med-Jack stuff."

Minho hums, "is that why you've been avoiding me?"

She laughs, "avoiding you? Why would I ever do that?"

"No idea." He shrugs, "but you do spend your days hiding in the dark corners of the Glade with that wee fat Shank."

"Hey." Grace shoved his shoulder gently. "Be nice. Chuck's great."

"Is that why you spend all your time with him?"

She grins, "maybe I just like him more."

Minho lets out a puff of air. "You wound me."

"I'm kidding." Grace places a hand on his bicep. She doesn't think much about her actions. "You're obviously my favorite." He grins. "Right after Clint and Jeff." His smile falls, causing hers to grow.

"Now I'm just insulted." Grace hadn't realized how much she missed being around Minho till now. Avoiding him the last week was something she suddenly regretted. The week felt longer without his infectious smile and playful jokes.

Grace lets out a high-pitched laugh. "Because I didn't pick you first?"

"Yes." He crosses his arms like a child. "Thought we were friends."

"We are friends," she states.

"Friends don't ignore friends."

The smile momentarily falls from her face. "I haven't been ignoring you."

Minho doesn't believe her. "Sort of feels that way."

She stops walking, turning to look at him. "Why would I ignore you?"

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