Chapter 58

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Grace couldn't stop staring at Minho the entire time. Her eyes constantly found their way back to him. She felt like she was dreaming. It was selfish because Newt had taken a turn for the worst. He was losing his fight to the Flare.

There were helicopters everywhere looking for them. Cars were flying by. Their sirens echoed down corridors. The group slid behind two cement ledges, keeping their heads down in order not to get caught. Minho and Newt went behind one. Grace went with Gally and Thomas. Her breathing was labored from all the running.

"Well, they're definitely pissed," Gally said.

Grace couldn't help but laugh. "Can't blame Thomas this time." They were all at fault.

Thomas pulled off his gloves. "How far are the tunnels?"

"Around twelve blocks from here." That wasn't close. WICKED was looking for them. Grace didn't think they would be able to make it. Newt began coughing loudly, his body shaking. Black veins traveled up his neck. The virus was spreading inside his body. It wouldn't be long until the virus took over. Grace knew they needed to find Brenda and get the serum. "We can make it." But Grace wasn't so sure.

She looked behind her at the cars, watching as they passed. "We'll stay low." It was all they could do. "We can do it." They had to. "I'm going to go check on him."

Grace crawled toward Newt and Minho. They glanced at her. "Hey."

"Hey, Newt. How are you?" Minho moved toward Thomas and Gally.

"Amazing, don't you worry." He began coughing again. Grace rubbed his shoulder, a frown on her face.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. She should have held onto the serum herself. "You still look very handsome." Grace tapped the underpart of his chin. "We have twelve more blocks. Think you can make it?"

He nodded before he spoke. "I can make it."

"Hey, Newt," Thomas came toward them. "We need to get you up, okay?" He grabbed the underpart of Newt's arm and tried to lift him. Grace moved to her feet, watching them. Newt stumbled. "Woah, woah, woah." The blonde girl helped steady him. "You good?"


Gally appeared beside her. "We need to keep moving."

"We need to slow down a bit," Grace said. "Newt can't keep up." Minho joined the group as they began walking. They all wanted to leave, but they had to think about Newt.

"Are you sure you're the one who can't keep up?" It was Gally's attempt at a joke.

The only person who found his words amusing was Grace. She laughed, shaking her head. "Not all of us can run like you, Gally," Grace responded without much thought. Her hand patted his shoulder as she slipped past him. Minho noticed their playful banter instantly. It had been six months since WICKED took him. He had no idea how long Gally had been with the group, but his relationship with Grace was entirely different than before. They never joked in the Glade. He began to feel nervous that, in the time he was gone, Grace had found someone else.


Grace was beside Gally, leading the group toward the tunnel. They were getting closer but still had a long way to go. She never questioned why Teresa was no longer with them. It would be a lie if Grace said she didn't care because she did. Teresa was her first female friend. Grace assumed they would become close, and they had for a moment. Then it changed, but deep down, she wanted her friend back.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the ground. Grace ducked, eyes wide as she saw the firey explosion that came from the walls. The glass in the buildings shattered from the force.

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