Chapter 56

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It was harder to see with the mask on than Grace expected. The two of them were waiting on the other side of the glass for Thomas, Teresa, and Newt to walk down the stairs. In her hand was a large gun. All of the WICKED soldiers had one. They blended in perfectly. They looked like soldiers. It made her sick.

But Grace knew what had to be done. They were doing all this for Minho, and the others WICKED held hostage. They deserved better.

Suddenly, Gally moved. She noticed the three they were waiting for. Grace followed Gally toward the door. They got in front of the group but kept going. So far, everything was going according to plan. Grace could only hope that continued.

They entered the first door. Teresa scanned her thumb. It opened instantly. Grace sighed in relief. It was only the beginning of their plan, but each step brought her closer to Minho. They were currently in the same building as him. It was the closest they had been since the train. It almost didn't feel real. It all felt like a dream.

They all piled into the room. Thomas started walking down the stairs when Gally stopped him. "Hey, I can get in here." There were several power boxes. Gally took his mask off.

"Throw me the walkie." Gally tossed him the object. He wanted to check the area for any danger.

Newt started coughing. He leaned over the railing, ripping his mask open. Grace reacted instantly. She rubbed his back soothingly. "It's okay." Teresa stared at him, putting the pieces together inside her head. She was a scientist, after all. Grace eyed her, somewhat annoyed that she showed any signs of concern. It wasn't her place. She wasn't their friend anymore. The room was filled with the sound of a power saw as Gally attempted to break into the box. "You okay?" She lifted her mask to see him better.

"Fine." He waved her off, wanting to stay focused on what was important. That was Minho.

Thomas jogged up the steps. "Frypan," he spoke into the radio. "We're in. How are you?"

"Getting there," he responded. "Say hi to Minho for me."

"Hang in there, buddy."

Gally ripped open the box. Inside were dozens of different colored wires. He began rifling through them, looking for a particular one. "I can get in here." That was good news.

"Brenda, what's your status?"

It took her a moment to respond. "Status is, I'm working on it."

"Copy," Thomas said. "Just make sure that you're ready."

"Don't worry, you know I'll be there." Grace smiled faintly at her friend's words.

Gally slammed a device onto the door of the box. "Okay, it's done." Lawerence would be able to access the controls. He had to turn off the cameras. "Let's go." They were on the move again. Grace lowered her mask. Gally peered into the hallway. There were no signs of any guards. "Cameras are down. Let's go."

They moved in sync, running down the hallway. There was nobody around. "To the left. There's a back elevator we can take. It only goes halfway up. Not as many people use it."

"Okay." They turned the corner. As Teresa said, there was an elevator.

Then everything shifted inside of Grace. Everything felt different. The world felt off. Grace felt as if everything was passing her by. The last time they tried to rescue Minho, they failed. They were unsuccessful. That couldn't happen a second time.

The elevator ride was painfully silent. Grace held her breath the entire time. They were going to the room Minho was in. She was about to see him after six months apart. It terrified her. What if he hated her? What if he wasn't there? There were so many what-ifs. Each one scarier than the next.

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