Chapter 49

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Newt was always there to take care of her. It had been that way since the Glade. He was always checking on her, and she appreciated that. Without him, Grace would have fallen apart these last six months.

Once everyone had settled into the temporary complex, they wanted to figure out what went wrong. Sonya and Aris didn't look well. They looked skinny and sick. Aris had more bruises than her. It was unclear why. Sonya was helping him clean his wounds. Although they hadn't rescued Minho, they had rescued the other two. It was still a major victory. "Here," Harriet handed them tea. "Drink this." It was full of different vitamins and supplements.

Aris took a big sip. "It took you guys long enough to rescue us." A faint smile appeared on Grace's face.

"Yeah," Thomas whispered. "It's good to see you too, buddy." It was good to see them. "What happened to you?"

"I fought back," Aris explained. "Well, I tried to."

"You're lucky you found us at all," Sonya said. "They had us on the move constantly. It felt as if something big was happening."

"Any idea where you were going?" The question came from Newt.

They weren't entirely sure. "All I know is that they kept talking about a city." That was the last thing they were expecting.

Harriet leaned against the wall. "I didn't think there were any cities left."

"There aren't," Brenda confirmed. "Not still standing." Grace thought the same. All of the cities were run down by Cranks.

"Okay, wait," Thomas changed the subject. "What about Minho." That's what Grace wanted to know as well. "Why wasn't he on the train?"

Aris glanced at Sonya before speaking. "I'm sorry, Thomas," he began. "He was." Grace's lips parted in surprise. Minho was on the train. He was just in a different compartment. She had been so close to him.

She blinked a few times, swallowing the lump in her throat. Harriet moved to sit beside her, gently rubbing her back. None of them were sure how to process the news or if processing the news was even an option. All Grace could think about was how badly she failed Minho and if she would ever see him again.


Thomas slammed the map on the table. It was dark now, but he was already working on a new plan. Grace was thankful for her brother. He wasn't willing to give up on Minho. "There," he pointed at the map. "Right here. It's a few hundred miles." He spoke casually as if it was easy. "Based on the railways and everything Aris told us, that has to be where they are headed." It was the only place that made sense. It had to be where Minho was headed. "It has to be where they're taking Minho." It had to be. "We take everyone who can fight." Vince stared at Thomas. "Follow the roads that we can. We can do it within a week."

Grace stared at Vince, watching for any reaction. "A week?" He couldn't believe the suggestion. "It took us six months to do this." He gestured to the area around them. "We have over a hundred kids here. We can't stay here after what we just did." He was right, of course. It was risky to stay. "You want to wander off to some random point on the map? You have no idea what's there-"

"I do," Jorge spoke up. "It's been a few years." He walked out of the shadows. "But I've been there. The Last City." Grace crossed her arms, glancing at Newt. "That's what WICKED called it. It was their entire base of operations." Nobody spoke. "If the city is still standing, that's the last place you want to go, Hermano. It's the lion's den."

Thomas leaned against the table. "It's nothing we haven't done before." They had faced danger before. This wouldn't be any different. Grace was willing to take the risk if it meant rescuing Minho.

"Yeah," Vince responded. "With months of planning, reliable information, the element of surprise. We don't have any of that anymore." WICKED would know they were coming.

"Vince, I thought this through-"

"Would you just hear me out?" He was getting angry. "The last time we went off half-cocked, I lost everything." Grace looked down, remembering that day clearly. It was because of Teresa. She betrayed them. "Do you remember that?"

"Vince," Grace whispered sadly.

He glanced at her and sighed. "I know it's Minho." He did know that. "But you can't expect me to risk everyone's lives for one person. I won't do it." Grace knew that Thomas didn't care. He wouldn't leave Minho behind.

Suddenly, there was static over the radio. It took them all a moment to realize what that meant. "Searching the grid now." WICKED was close. "A is completed. Scanning B now."

"Shit!" They could hear the Berg. "Get the lights!" Jorge ran to the panel, flipping the switch. Thomas and Vince ran outside. Grace decided to follow after them.

As she ran, all of the lights in the compound turned off. Her feet sunk into the sand. She stopped about ten feet away from the two, staring at the two hovercrafts in the distance. WICKED had never been this close before. "Wow," Vince said. "They're getting close." Neither of the men saw her.

"You're right," Thomas said. "We can't stay here." Grace knew her brother better than that.

Vince patted his shoulder before turning to walk away. He only made it a few feet before stopping, his eyes on the blonde girl. Taking a deep breath, he approached her. Grace stared at him, her emotions getting the better of her. "I'm sorry, kid." Vince tapped the under part of her chin. "I'm sorry." And he was. All Grace could do was nod.

As Vince walked away, she kept her eyes on Thomas. It wasn't like him to back down, which was why she knew he wouldn't. If he had to, he would go after Minho alone. "You're going," she spoke. "Right?"

Thomas flinched, not having known she was there. "Grace." Thomas walked through the damp sand. "No-"

"You're a terrible liar." Grace crossed her arms. "I can pack a bag. Plus, I know where Vince keeps the keys-"

"You're not going anywhere."

"Excuse me?" She was shocked.

Thomas combed his finger through his hair. "This is my mess, okay? I have to do this alone." Without the numbers, it was more dangerous. He couldn't risk bringing others along. "You're staying here with the others-"

"Stop," Grace found herself yelling at Thomas. "Okay? Stop." He was shocked by her outburst. "Stop with this stupid savior complex you have going on. You are not the only one who cared about Minho. You need to understand that." Thomas knew Minho for a short amount of time. Grace, Frypan, Newt. They all knew him longer. Thomas wasn't the only person who cared about him. "You are not the only person who lost him."

"Grace," he was hesitant. "I know that." He knew how his sister felt about Minho. "But we've already lost too much. I can't lose anyone else-"

"You don't get to make that choice, Thomas. No matter how much you want to."

Thomas placed a hand on her arm. "I can't lose you too, okay?" Grace stared at him. "Please, stay here. I'll be back in a week."

She wasn't going to let Thomas do this alone, but she wasn't going to let him know that yet. "Fine. I'll stay," Grace lied with ease. "But you bring him back."

For some reason, Thomas thought she was telling the truth. "I will." Grace hugged him, making the lie more believable. But the hug was real. "Stay safe."

"I will." She planned to alert Newt and Frypan as well. They had just as much cause as she did to rescue Minho. "I'll see you soon." But soon was sooner than Thomas realized.

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