Chapter 18

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Grace sat on the bench while Jeff fixed Lei's hand. "You got to be more careful, man," he told the Slicer. "You only have one index finger."

"Technically," Grace said. "You have two. One on each hand." Jeff playfully glared at her. "But you only have one on your right hand."


Lei sighed, "I know."

"Maybe it's time to get a new profession."

That caused the young Slicer to wave his uninjured hand. "No way. I love my job." Grace couldn't imagine loving the job of a Slicer. It was too much blood and death for her.

"Well, your job doesn't love you."

Grace stood up. "What Jeff means to say is that you need to be more careful." He had cut his index finger deeply.

"Yeah," Jeff said.

"I will." He stood up. "Don't worry. Thanks, guys." Grace doesn't say anything as the man leaves. She collects the discarded towels and tosses them in a bucket.

She glanced at Jeff. He appears exhausted. "You okay?"

He shrugs, "tired."

"Didn't get enough sleep?"

"Nope." He stretches his legs. "Wasn't tired, and then by the time I was, it's morning."

"I-" the alarm cuts her off. It's a signal that the new Greenie was on their way up.

"New Greenie." Jeff seems excited. "Hoping for a girl, She-Bean?"

"No." They walk out of the Med-Jack hut together. "I gave up on that a long time ago." Frypan once said he believed she was a mistake. Grace was starting to believe that.

"I haven't," Jeff says. "I still think it's possible."

There's a group gathering around the box. Grace stands to the side with Jeff and Chuck. Gally and Newt pull open the doors, but Gally jumps inside. Grace and Gally had become friends over the last few months. It took time, but they managed to do it. However, she always thought Gally was a little too rough with the Greenies. They were frightened and scared.

She looks through the gap to see the Greenie climbing out of the box. He struggles with everyone looking at him. "He's Slopper material."

"I do need help in the kitchen." Everyone has their guesses as to what he may be. The boy is too far away to see clearly, but he acts quickly. The new Greenie pushes off the ground and takes off in a sprint.

"We got a Runner!"

"Look at him go!"

Grace had never seen anyone run before. The boy makes it halfway to the doors before tripping over his feet. Everyone laughs other than Chuck and Grace. They don't find the situation humorous.


"Be careful, Greenie."

"Take it all in," Frypan called to him. Grace nudged Jeff, who was clapping. He instantly stopped. She didn't think laughing at someone's fear was amusing.


The Maze doors had shut for the day, but it was still light outside. Grace walked past the Homestead with Zart and Newt. The blonde girl looked around the area. Chuck was easy to find. He stood about twenty feet in the other direction with the Greenie. The boy was taller than Chuck and very skinny.

"The Greenie walked straight up to Maze doors as they were closing," Newt muttered. "Thought Gally was going to bury him."

Grace was only half paying attention. Chuck was helping the new Glader set up his sleeping area. Predictably, it was right beside him. However, Grace couldn't stop staring at him. There was something about him that seemed familiar. "Hey," Zart said. "You okay?"

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