Chapter 23

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There was a new girl in the Glade. She was pretty with blue eyes and dark hair. She was still unconscious, but it wasn't clear why. There were no injuries to her body. That was a good sign. Whatever was happening seemed to be intentional. On a bed a few feet away was Alby. He was in pain. Clint had the idea of tying him to the bed. It wasn't ideal, but at least that way he couldn't hurt himself.

Grace looked up when she heard someone entering. Walking in the hut was Newt, Minho, and Thomas. "Jeff, Grace," Newt greeted them. "What's going on with her? Why isn't she awake?"

"Hey, man," Jeff said. "I got my job the same way you did."

Grace rolled her eyes and stood up. "There's no head trauma. So, we think," she looked at Jeff. "It's intentional." Newt seemed appreciative of her more informative explanation. There wasn't much Jeff or Grace could do. They had never experienced anything like this before.

Thomas stared at the girl. Both Newt and Grace noticed. "Do you recognize her?"

The Greenie looked at Newt. "No."

"Really? She seemed to recognize you." Newt then looked at Grace, waiting for her answer. "Well?"

"What? I'm supposed to recognize her because we're both girls?" Grace had no idea who this girl was. The only thing they had in common was their gender.

Thomas quickly changed the subject. "What about the note?"

"We can worry about that later." Newt didn't want to think about it right now.

"I think we should worry about it now," Thomas argued.

Newt glared at him. "We have enough to deal with right now."

"He's right." Everyone looked at Jeff. "If the box isn't coming back up. How much longer do you think we can last?"

Grace hadn't thought of that. "Nobody said that. We shouldn't jump to any conclusions." The boy thought for a moment. "We will wait until the girl wakes up and see what she knows." All three boys were staring at the girl, almost admiring her. "Someone has to have answers."

"Okay." Thomas turned around and walked out of the hut.

"Where are you going?"

"Back into the Maze." Grace was shocked by his honesty. Newt glanced at Minho, who got the hint. The Keeper of the Runners rushed after Thomas. Grace watched him as he left. Something inside her wanted to follow after him.

"How's Alby?"

"Not good," Clint said. "But we're doing what we can."

"Which is nothing," Grace found herself saying. They could help Alby with his wounds, but not with the Griever sting. There was nothing they could do. "I'll be right back."

The blonde girl slipped past Newt and walked towards the exit of the Med-Jack hut. She wanted to find Minho and Thomas to see if they were going back into the Maze. "The other Runners quit this morning." She stopped by the door. "They're not in a hurry to get back out there. Why are you?"

She listened closely. "I think it's time we see what we are really up against."

There was a silence on Minho's end. "Okay," he agreed. "But you aren't going alone." Grace knew Minho would go with him. "Meet me in the woods in half an hour."

"Okay." There were footsteps. Grace slipped out of the hut to see Thomas walking away.

Minho's back was facing her. His head tilted to the side. Before he could move, Grace spoke. "I'm coming with you." The Runner spun around at the sound of her voice. "Into the Maze." She wanted to help.

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