Chapter 31

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Grace sat in a cold, grey, windowless room alone. She nervously fiddled with her fingers. Teresa finished showering before her and left. Grace wanted to enjoy the warmth the shower provided a bit longer. When she finished showering, Grace put on the clothes they left out for her. They consisted of a black tank top that buttoned in the front and dark green cargo pants that didn't have pockets.

When she left the shower, she was stopped by an older red-haired man. He said they wanted her in a different room because they had a few questions for her. She didn't protest. A woman, Dr. Crawford, came in to check her over. Grace was nervous about the others. Being separated from them wasn't easy. It was unnerving.

Dr. Crawford was kind. She injected vitamins into her shoulder and did a complete wellness check. She also assured Grace that her friends were fine. They had even asked about her. She wanted to see them but didn't want to cause any problems. These people were nice to them. They saved them. The least Grace could do is answer some questions.

Grace started to play with the strands of her hair. Typically, her blonde hair was frizzy. Working in the Glade all day caused it to become sweaty and untamed. It was always pulled up with yarn. Right now, however, it was tame. Grace's hair lay in perfect waves. There was no frizz, and it smelled like roses.

Suddenly, the door opened. "Sorry for the delay," Janson said as he walked in. "It's Grace, right? That's what your friends said."

She nodded. "Yeah, it's Grace."

The man sat down across from her. "Thank you for speaking with me. I have a few questions. I promise not to keep you here too long. I know you're probably eager to see them." Grace stared at him. "Actually, it's just one question. What do you remember about your life?"

"Excuse me?" That wasn't what she was expecting. Janson crossed his arms, waiting for her to answer. "Not much. We all lost our memories before entering the Maze." Shouldn't he know that?

"So," he leaned closer. "You don't remember anything?"

Grace shrugged. "I have a few hazy memories, but they're insignificant." They didn't explain anything, and it wouldn't provide them any useful insight.

"So," Janson said again. "You don't remember WICKED?"

It was a very odd and specific question. Grace assumed he was curious. There was no telling what the others told him. It was possible Minho spoke about their conversation back in the Glade. She confided in him. Told him about the dream she had. "No. I'm sorry." Grace wished she could help him. "I don't know anything about WICKED other than that they kept us locked in the Maze for months to study us." That was what Ava Paige said in her video.

"Interesting." He rubbed his jaw. He didn't seem to like that answer. "Thank you, Grace. You've been a big help." But she didn't feel like much of a help. She didn't tell him anything useful. Janson stood up. "You're cleared to join the others. Your friends are waiting for you."

Grace stood up, offering him a smile. "Thank you."

Janson smiled back at her. "Of course. One of my men will lead you to the cafeteria." She stepped out of the room after him. As he said, one of the men began leading her down a hallway.

Meanwhile, Minho, Frypan, Winson, and Newt sit at a table with two boys from another Maze. Their names are Riley and David. Minho's foot tapped against the tile floor, his hands nervously rubbing together. He continued to glance at the doors, hoping that any second Grace would walk through them. They had been separated hours ago.

When they all went to the examination room after showering, Grace wasn't there. Dr. Crawford gave a vague excuse about them needing to ask her some questions. Minho didn't care what their reasons were. They allowed Teresa to join them, but not Grace. Now both girls were gone, along with Thomas. He didn't like being separated from her. It put him on edge.

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