Chapter 55

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It took less than two hours for Gally and Thomas to return with Teresa. The moment they brought her into the building, Grace's posture changed. Anyone watching could see it—the anger in her tense muscles. The fire in her green eyes made them almost appear black.

The memories of her actions replayed in her mind. The way she sided with WICKED as if their struggles in the Glade meant nothing bothered Grace. How could Teresa do what she did? It never made sense to her.

"Behave," Brenda whispered to her. "Okay?" She knew how Grace felt but didn't want to upset Thomas.

Grace rolled her eyes. "I'm fine."

"Really?" Brenda crossed her arms. "Because the way you're gripping that knife tells me otherwise." Grace looked down. Her knuckles were white from how hard she was clutching the object. "Give it." Brenda stuck out her hand.


She scoffed as if it was obvious. "Because I don't trust you with it." For some reason, Grace laughed. It was typical of her friend to know her moves before she even made them. "And the other in your belt."

Her shoulders dropped. "Seriously?"

"Hand it over." Grace mumbled under her breath but pulled the knife out. "Thank you." Brenda fiddled with the knives as Gally roughy shoved Teresa into a chair. Thomas glared at him but didn't say anything. "Would you actually-"

"Yes," Grace cut her off. "Yeah." Brenda set the knives down. "She took Minho." She blinked away her tears. "I'm sorry." She knew her brother cared deeply for Teresa, but Grace did not feel that safe love for her former friend.

"Hey, don't apologize." Brenda squeezed her shoulder. "If it helps, I feel the same way."

Grace nodded. "It does." At least someone understood her anger.

"Okay," Gally said as he joined Newt and Frypan at the table. Jorge was there as well. Brenda and Grace were at a different table but close by.

Thomas ripped the bag off Teresa's head. Grace tensed at the sight of her former friend. Her blue eyes looked exactly the same. Everything about her was the same, and she hated it. She hated that seeing her was enough for the ache in her heart to return. Being betrayed by her friend was heartbreaking. It crushed her. Teresa was her friend.

"Gally?" Teresa was shocked to see Gally alive. They all had the same reaction.

"Here's how this will go." Gally wasn't wasting any time. "We'll ask you some questions, and you'll tell us exactly what we need to know." Teresa looked around, eyes falling on all of them. When she looked at her, Grace stared back—conveying all of her hatred through a single look. "Let's start simple. Where's Minho?" Gally stood up and grabbed a chair.

"You don't really think-"

Teresa was cut off by Gally slamming the chair in front of her. He sat backward, eyes on her. "Don't look at him." He crossed his arms. "Why are you looking at him? Look at me." Grace was shocked by his words and attitude. "He's not going to help you." Thomas remained silent. "We know you have Minho inside the building." But they didn't know that for sure. They were hopeful. "Where?"

Teresa looked down. "He's with the others in holding. Sublevel three."

Grace was visibly relieved. Minho was inside the city. Brenda reached over and squeezed her knee. It was a gesture she didn't think twice about. That meant a lot to the blonde. She was grateful to have a friend that she knew wouldn't betray her.

"How many others?" Newt wanted to know how many people WICKED had hostage inside the building.


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