Chapter 54

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Hatred. That was all Grace felt for Teresa after what she did. She took Minho. Her betrayal got people killed. It was all her fault. The others didn't have the same mindset. Thomas never wanted revenge for what Teresa did. Grace knew it was because her brother had feelings for her.

She didn't understand. How could Thomas love her after what she did? It wasn't right. "No," Thomas said. "There has to be another way."

They had spent the last hour coming up with different plans to get inside. They all involved Teresa. She was their only way inside. "What other way?" Gally was annoyed. "You saw the building." It was crawling with soldiers. They needed Teresa. "She is the only option."

"Do you really think she'll help?" Grace didn't care if Teresa wanted to help or not.

"I wasn't going to ask her permission."

Brenda spoke. "Am I missing something? This is the same girl who betrayed us, right? The same dick?"

"I like her." Grace smiled at Gally. It was the first genuine smile he had received in a long time.

Thomas wasn't convinced. "What's going on?" They didn't understand, but Grace did. Thomas cared about Teresa.

"What? Scared your girlfriend might get hurt?" Newt pushed off the table. He seemed angry. "This has obviously never just been about saving Minho." It never occurred to Grace that Thomas would have also wanted to save Teresa, but it seemed unlikely. They had no idea where Teresa was until yesterday.

"What are you talking about?" Thomas didn't understand the statement.

"Teresa," Newt explained. "She's the reason why Minho is even missing in the first place." He walked toward Thomas, who moved backward. "Now we have an opportunity to save him, and you don't want to because of her? Deep down, you still care about her, don't you?" Thomas was nearly against the wall. Newt was inches away. "Admit it."


"Don't lie to me." Newt slammed him against the wall. Grace was immediately on her feet, unsure if she should separate the two of them. "Don't lie to me." Newt was angry. The entire room was shocked by his sudden outburst. Newt was never someone who got angry—annoyed, yes. Grace had seen him annoyed on several occasions but not angry. It was rare. She knew why. It was the Flare. It was starting to affect his mind. That was why he yelled at her in the tunnel. It was changing him. "I'm sorry." Newt let him go. "I'm sorry, Tommy." With that, Newt walked out of the room.

Grace wasn't sure if she should go after him or not. "You okay, Thomas?"

"Yeah, fine." He hadn't looked away from the door yet. "I'll be right back." To nobody's surprise, Thomas followed after Newt. The rest stood in silence, knowing in their hearts that Teresa was the only way inside the building. They just needed Thomas to agree.


"I would never let anything happen to you." Her eyes searched Minho's. They were full of sincerity. "I promise." Grace continued to stare at him. The light from the fire reflected in his brown eyes. "Okay?" All she could do was nod. Minho used his thumb to wipe her tears. "It's going to be okay."

They stared at each other, neither sure what to do next. Minho's eyes left hers for a second. They flickered down to her lips. Her heart stopped. A new wave of nerves rushed through her. "Minho." It came out in a whisper. It was a question and plea all wrapped into one. Before Grace could repeat his name, Minho dipped his head down.

He kissed her. Grace was shocked, but her eyes instantly shut. It took her a moment to process the situation. Just as Minho went to pull away, she kissed him back. It was hesitant at first. Neither of them had kissed anyone before. Or if they had, then they didn't remember.

Everything around them became forgotten. Grace momentarily forgot how scared she was. There was no fear of Gally or Grievers. There was just Minho. The kiss grew more intense with every passing second. Grace's hand traveled to the back of his neck, her fingers brushing against his hair.

Minho once asked her what her favorite memory was. At the time, she didn't have an answer. He told her back at the camp that his was the night she kissed him. Grace laughed at his words. Minho had been the one to kiss her. He was always the brave one.

She never told him hers. It was the same as his. The day they kissed for the first time. There was so much uncertainty, but it all went away the moment his lips touched hers. How perfect it was. Grace had never felt safer than that moment. She knew Minho meant his words. He would never let anything happen to her.

Grace sat on the window ledge, her eyes closed as she held tightly onto the memory. There were footsteps. They grew louder as the person approached. "Hey, what are you doing?" It was Thomas. He took in her appearance. Closed eyes, rosy cheeks, dried tears. "What's wrong? Why are you sitting here with your eyes closed?"

Grace sniffled, almost laughing at herself. "It's stupid."

"Try me." Thomas sat down in front of her.

She opened her eyes, staring at him. "Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I feel like I'm with him. His smile, his voice, the way his cheeks reddened in the heat, the goofy smile he always wore, they're real inside my head." Grace held onto the memories. "Then I open my eyes, and I'm here." She wasn't with him. "He has been missing for longer than I knew him."

"Hey," Thomas said. "We'll get him back."

"I know," Grace said. "We have to."

He smiled at her, wanting to reassure her. That's when Thomas remembered something. "You know, Minho dropped this when he was taken. I've been holding onto it for a while, but I should have given it to you." Grace stared at him curiously. He pulled out an object from his left pocket and placed it in her hand. "I'm not sure what the hell it is. He had it the night we were stuck in the Maze. I see him messing with it sometimes." Grace let out a laugh, but it sounded more like a sob. In her hand was a wooden heart. She carved it back in the Maze. She had no idea Minho kept it. "You know what it is?"

"Yeah," tears burned her eyes. "I made it." Thomas smiled sadly. He should have known. "I was trying to help Chuck carve a figurine, which was ridiculous because he was amazing, and it and I sucked. This was all I made. Minho said I should keep it because art is meant to be kept."

Thomas laughed faintly. "Well, it looks like shit."

"I know," Grace chuckled. "I can't believe he still had it."

The object had been through everything, and she had no idea. "I can." She wiped her tears with her sleeve. She clutched the object in her hand tightly, not planning on letting go. Right now, that was all she had left of Minho. "We're going with the original plan."

Grace froze. "Teresa?"

"Yeah." It wasn't what Thomas wanted, but they needed to rescue Minho. "Gally and I are about to head into the city. I wanted to check on you first."

"Right now?" Thomas was about to leave. "Do you want me to come with?"

"No, no, we got it." They already had a plan. "Like I said, I wanted to check on your before I left."

It was a kind gesture. "Be safe, okay?" The idea of being separated worried her slightly, but she trusted Gally.

"Yeah." He would be fine. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." Grace patted his shoulder. "Good luck." Thomas nodded, standing up. Her hand fell back to her side. The girl watched him walk away.

With her other hand, she clutched the wood carving. She wasn't prepared to see Teresa again. Not after what she did. Grace once said that if she ever saw her again, she would kill her. She meant her words then, and she meant them now. She wanted Teresa to pay for what she did.

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