Chapter 30

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The helicopter ride was long. Some of them slept while others weren't trusting enough to sleep. Grace was one of the people who fell asleep. She let her head rest against Minho's shoulder. Minho was one of the few who couldn't sleep. He didn't trust himself to sleep, not when the situation was this confusing. They didn't know these people. He couldn't let his guard down.

When they arrived wherever they were, it was dark. Grace woke up with a start. "Come on," the man yelled at them. "Hurry!" The blonde was swept away in the chaos. All of them were trying to get out at the same time. There was screaming in the distance, but Grace looked forward. There was a large building with open doors. It was windy. Sand flew and hit her in the face. The lights from the building were blinding.

Grace's entire body was sore. She wasn't used to all of the running. It was a lot. Yet, she pushed through the pain. "Get the kids inside!"

"Come on!" There were gunshots. Grace didn't dare look back. She feared what they were shooting at.

They ran inside, panting heavily. Thomas was the last one to arrive. Grace only looked back right as the giant metal doors slammed closed. The building they were now in was huge. People were working everywhere. The last five months in the Glade were nothing compared to the scene before her. It was all machinery and older men carrying large guns.

"Come on." The man ushered them down a small corridor. It seemed they were always being led somewhere. The group didn't complain. Mainly because they had no idea what was going on. This morning they were all in the Glade. Now they were here. They arrived at a door. The man opened it. "Hurry. Come on." All of them piled into the room. "Hurry. Hurry. Hurry." Once they were all inside, he slammed the door closed.

"Hey!" Thomas pounded on the door. The lights in the room began to turn on. In front of them was a long table of food. There were things Grace had never seen before.

None of them moved. All of them stared, processing the situation. "Dibs on the rice," Frypan shouted. All at once, they raced forward. They hadn't eaten since leaving the Glade. Grace hadn't realized how hungry she was until this very moment.

It was almost disgusting how fast they tore into the food. Most of them didn't bother to sit down. The only two that did were Teresa and Grace. They glanced at each other, knowing smiles on their faces. Food was flying from the force of the hands grabbing it.

Grace grabbed a plate, but it didn't matter if she used it. Minho finally sat down beside her, his shoulder pressed against hers. She reached across and grabbed a cookie. Bringing it back, it was taken from her hand. Grace watched as Minho took a bite of the item. "Hey! That was mine." Minho winked at her. Grace snatched the item from his hand. "You're the worst." But she was smiling. For the first time since leaving the Glade, she felt happy. They had food. They were safe. What more could they ask for?

"This is so much better than Fyrpan's slop."

"Hey now," Frypan said. "Watch it." They were all smiling and laughing. Teresa, Newt, and Winston were tossing food around. Grace laughed as Teresa threw rice at her. She grabbed some and tossed it back at her. Everything was perfect.


Grace laid on a sack of flour, her head resting in Minho's lap. They had been in the room for hours. After eating all the food, most of them relaxed. Thomas was asleep to her right. As are Winston, Newt, and Teresa. Frypan was still eating.

Her hair was sprawled over Minho's lap. His fingers were lazily messing with the strands. He dozed off a few times, but he always woke back up. Grace, however, never had a problem falling asleep. She could always fall asleep next to Minho. She always felt safe.

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