Chapter 6

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"And then he went face-first into the dirt," Jeff told the story happily. Grace laughed loudly, and Clint shook his head in pure embarrassment at the memory.

"Oh, Clint," Grace did feel bad for him, but it was funny. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, yeah," he brushed her off. "It's not as bad as the time Jeff tripped over the log during Marvin's bonfire and threw his drink all over Alby."

"No," she gasped. Jeff's shoulder dropped as he relived the memory in his head. "What happened?"

"Nothing," was his response. "He actually thought it was funny, but he did make me challenge Gally in the fighting ring."

"He lost."

"Clearly." He glared at her, "sorry."

"And once Clint-" they had finished working for the day and were planning to get lunch. Grace was solely focused on Jeff. She hadn't been paying attention to where she was walking. Her body collided with another, and she stumbled back. Her eyes locked on the person. It was Aaron.

The dark-haired boy smiled at her, "we have to stop meeting like this."

"Hey, Aaron," Grace remembered him from the other day. He was a Builder. "How are you?"

"Better now," he smiled at the group of three. Jeff rolled his eyes. He had slowly grown tired of seeing other Gladers try and flirt with the sole female Glader. It was annoying and embarrassing for them. "Where are you guys headed?"

"Lunch," Clint informed him.

"Great," he kept smiling. "I'll join you."

Jeff grumbled something under his breath, but Clint elbowed him. Grace wasn't sure what was going on between them but decided to ignore it. The four-headed towards the small building that Frypan used as a kitchen. It was already full of Gladers, but nobody was in line. "Hey, Frypan," Grace smiled up at the man. He was significantly taller when he stood inside the building. "What's for lunch today?"

"Well," he leaned out the small opening. "Your favorite, bologna sandwiches."

She laughed, "I think these are your favorite."

"No, I'm pretty sure last time you asked for seconds."

"Well, only because Jeff ate mine!"

Jeff placed a hand on her shoulder, "I did do that."

Frypan laughed, "enjoy guys."

"Thanks, Fry," Clint took his own plate. Aaron went last but stayed close.

Grace noticed Zart and Newt. Without any hesitation, she moved towards them. "Hey, Newt." She took her usual place by his side. Aaron moved around Jeff and took the spot on her other side. The dark-skinned boy glared at him but sat across from her. "How are the Garden's today?"

"Oh, you know, bloody wonderful." He took a bite of his sandwich. "Until the Greenie ran into the tomato plant. Trampled them to a pulp."

Grace felt bad for him. That had to be stressful. It also impacted the Glade significantly because they ate everything grown in the Gardens. "Sorry to hear that."

"Just make him a Slopper," Jeff shrugged.

"Sloppers are too good for him," he muttered still annoyed. "Should make him a Bagger."

Grace hadn't heard of that before. "What's a Bagger?"

There was a brief silence. "They bury the dead," Newt said. She knew already that past Gladers had died, but how many was still a mystery. She couldn't imagine there were many.

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