Chapter 44

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The previous dreams she had replayed in her mind. Grace should have seen the signs sooner. She should have known that Thomas was her brother. The idea of it scared her but excited her at the same time. Back in the Glade, Grace would sit on top of the tree hut and wonder about her family. She wondered if she had one at all. It was clear now she did. Grace may not have a father or mother, but she had a brother.

That was enough for her.

Minho's head poked around the corner of the curtain. They were in the same tent but divided for privacy while changing clothes. Mary, the woman from before, instructed Harriet to give them new clothes. They were cleaner and warmer. "Hey." He strolled into the room in his new clothes. They looked good on him, but everything looked good on him.

Grace stared at him. "No knock? What if I was still getting dressed?"

He smirked, his cheeks darkening. "A guy can only hope." She rolled her eyes but still laughed at his words. "How are you holding up?"

"Fine." She slipped on the jacket they left for her. "It's a lot, but I'm glad we found the Right Arm. I think it's a good place for us." It's safe. That's all that matters. They had traveled far to get here.

"I wasn't talking about that."

Her shoulders tensed as realization filled her. "Oh." Minho's talking about Thomas being her brother.

"Does it freak you out?"

"No." It's a truthful answer. "I think I already knew." That didn't seem to be the answer he expected. "Does it freak you out?"

"Honestly, yeah." Minho's never been one to lie. It does freak him out. He could tell his words affected her. A frown appeared on her face. "Hey." He hadn't meant to upset her. Minho didn't like to see her frown, especially if he caused it. He thought quickly, searching his mind for something to say. "Remember in the Glade when we talked about our best memories?" That felt like a lifetime ago. So much had happened since then.

The random question surprised her. Grace wasn't expecting it. "Yeah?"

"Well, I figured out what mine is."

"Oh yeah?" She's amused. The issues from the day momentarily leave her mind. "What is it?"

"The day you kissed me."

She's shocked by his words. A blush covered her cheeks. "Excuse me? You kissed me."

Minho pretended to think. "No, if I remember clearly, you couldn't get enough of me."

Grace grinned at him, shaking her head. "You're such an idiot."

He doesn't deny it, but that doesn't come as a surprise. Minho's eyes studied her features. There's a bruise on her cheek and a gash on her head. He stepped forward but never had a chance to speak. "Hey." It was Harriet. The two stepped away from each other. The girl realized she had walked in on something. "Grace, Mary wants you to get stitches. Come with me."

"Okay," Grace said to her. "I'll be right there." Harriet nodded and walked away, planning to wait outside. She returned her attention to Minho. "I'll be back."

Minho had a perplexed look on his face. "You don't want me to come with you?"

"It's fine. Stay with the others. I can't imagine it'll take long." He still seemed hesitant. Grace knew he always had hesitations about being separated. "Hey." She grabbed his hand. "We're finally safe. I'll come find you once I'm done." It would only be a waste of his time. Grace wanted him to get settled with the others.

His lips parted as he prepared to argue with her. Grace stepped closer, placing her lips against his. She kissed him slowly. Instantly, Minho kissed her back. The blonde pushed onto the tips of her toes, threading her fingers in the hair on the back of his neck. Minho smiled into the kiss, pushing into her more, causing her back to bend. He supports her by holding her waist. For a moment, everything was perfect. It's just the two of them kissing in a random tent in the middle of the mountains. They're finally safe. That's all that matters.

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