Chapter 33

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Grace stumbled out of the air vent after Minho. Thomas inspected the area, making sure there weren't any threats. "Come on. Come on." Janson would soon discover they were missing. They didn't have much time. "Let's go."

"You guys go ahead. There is something I have to do," Aris said. Grace was unsure about leaving him. He was the reason they knew Janson couldn't be trusted. They owed him.

Thomas didn't want to leave him either. "What are you talking about?"

"Trust me," he said. "You guys want to leave, right?" They did. Grace trusted Aris. "Go."

"I'll go with him," Winston volunteered.

That seemed to ease Thomas's fears. "Okay, Winston." The two boys got back inside the air vent. "Come on!" They started rushing down the corridor. Minho reached back and grabbed Grace's hand. It was his way of keeping her close.

"Are you sure we can trust him," Minho questioned.

"You have no idea where we'd be without him." They turned a corner, coming face to face with Dr. Crawford. "Oh!" They weren't expecting her. Grace walked straight into Newt's back, but he didn't seem to care.

Dr. Crawford was just as surprised to see them. "What are you kids doing over here?" Suddenly, the lights around them began flashing yellow. There was a loud siren. It seemed Janson had figured out they were missing. The five looked at each other. Thomas moved first. He grabbed Dr. Crawford and began dragging her down the hallway. Grace was surprised by his roughness, but they were pressed for time. They needed to find Teresa and get out of here.

"Where is she?" They rushed down the hallway. "Where's Teresa?"

"In the med wing." Dr. Crawford was terrified of them.

"Take us." She nodded, pointing forward. They followed her instructions down the hallway. Grace looked behind her, afraid someone was following them. The only person behind her was Frypan.

They started running down a darker corridor. The speakers were going off, explaining that there were runaways in the building and everyone needed to report. Grace was shaking, but she kept running. They got to the end of a hallway. "Freeze!" She was staring at a man with a gun. He raised it and began firing at them.

"Why is he shooting at us?" Frypan screamed as he ran.

Grace turned around, pulling Minho with her. However, he didn't follow for long. He came to a halt, letting go of her hand. Grace automatically stopped. "Minho?"

They all looked back. "Minho? What the hell are you doing?" Minho screamed, sprinting down the hall.

"Minho!" Grace had no idea what he was doing. The man with the gun rounded the corner. Minho raised his knee as he rammed into him. The man slammed his head against the wall. The former Runner stepped back as the man fell. He was unconscious. Grace was both shocked and amazed.

The group ran toward him. "Holy shit, Minho," Newt breathed. Grace was thinking the same thing. Minho grinned, clearly pleased with himself.

Thomas bent over and grabbed the weapon. "Come on." He pushed Dr. Crawford forward. "Let's go. Come on." They were doing a lot of running. Grace hated running.

"It's just past that door."

"Good. Open it."

Dr. Crawford didn't object. She opened the door slowly. "Dr. Crawford," someone said inside. Thomas pushed her forward, raising the gun. "Wait. Okay. Okay." The rest of them hurried inside. Newt slammed the door closed behind them.

"Where is she?" Thomas wouldn't lower the weapon. "Where is she?" Grace didn't see Teresa anywhere. All of them had their hands in the area. A man glanced at the curtain beside Thomas. That clued him in on Teresa's location. "Minho." Thomas tossed him the gun. He aimed it at the doctors. Without any hesitation, Thomas ripped open the curtain. Laying in a bed was Teresa. She was alive.

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