Chapter 3

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Its been a month since the anonymous person started sending louis the song request and after a few weeks louis just played the songs but wouldn't address anything else and its been a month since louis and liam were asked to host the charity event and louis is so excited as he gets ready for work and soon walks out of his house as he goes to the radio station and walks into his office as liam walks in after louis

"hey' liam says "morning"

"morning" louis says "how was your date"

"bad" liam says

"what happened"

"we got to the restaurant had a good time and when it was time to pay he was like ohh shit I forgot my wallet mind if you pay I will pay you back" liam says as he starts to laugh "then he proceeded to order some food to go for his roommate"

"no fucken way" louis says laughing

"I paid and when we were leaving this man had the audacity the fucken audacity to ask me if I wanted to go to my place and have some fun I told him no then wanted me to drive him to his house cuz his car was in the shop and his mom dropped him off" liam says laughing

"did you take him home" liam says

"of course not I went to my car and left" liam says "if I was going to pay for a date I would of asked but he asked me I mean I would have been ok paying half or just my meal but to pay for 3 meals and his drinks"

"this is so funny" louis says laughing

"guys your late" steve says

"ohh shit sorry" louis and liam say at the same time as they go to their studio and soon get ready

"and good morning everyone happy Friday" louis says

"yay been looking forward to it since Monday" liam says laughing

"well actually we have nothing planned for this morning so first caller you will pick the topic and what we are going to talk about this first hour of the show" louis says

"ok lets take caller number" liam says dragging out number" 7"

'good morning you are live with louis and liam what should we talk about this first hour" louis says

"I just wanted to know why guys are suck dickheads" the caller says

"ohh ok we are going to start the man bashing this morning" louis says "tell us love what is the matter"

"I came home last night and well my now ex fiancé was in bed with my maid of honor who is my sister" the caller says as she starts to cry

"ohh my tell us what happened" liam says

"well I told my fiancé that I was going to work late you know get a few extra shifts at work so we can pay for the wedding and it got slow I came home and my sister and fiancé were at it on the couch" the caller says

"what did you do" louis questions

"I was so angry I walked out of the apartment and went to my cousins house I am here still but I don't know what to do" the caller says

"ok well I am not going to ask for your name so we are going to call you jane" louis says

"thank you" the caller says

"Ok now take a deep breath and lets calm down" louis says as louis and the girl take a deep breath

"thank you" the caller says

"now this is what your going to do" louis

"ohh this is going to be good" liam says laughing

"shut it" louis says "before anything how old are you well are you over 22"

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