Chapter 25

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"let me check the schedule and will be back to let you know" the doctor says as he walks ouf of the room and af ew minutes later the doctor walks back in "so we have about 2 hrs to wait which means you wont sleep because i am having a nurse check up on you every 15 minutes if you get the urge to push call the nurse immediately"

"ok i will" louis says as the doctor walks out of the room

"we are close" louis says with a wide smile

"umm louis its midnight" jay says laughing

"uughhh of course" louis says laughing

"get comfortable" anne says as they continue to talk and soon the doctor walks back in

"we are getting the operating room ready so about another 10 minutes a nurse will be in to go over somethings with you" the doctor says "you can have both ladies in with you if you want"

"can they please" louis says

"of course just let the nurse know when she comes in" the doctor says as he walks out of the room and soon a nurse walks in and talks to louis and soon they are taking him to the operationg room as anne and jay wait outside and soon are called inside as they sit next to louis "louis we are going to begin you are going to feel some pressure but that is ok"

"umm ok" louis says as the doctor starts

"Can you feel anything" jay asks

"just like pushing around nothing much" louis says

"one more cut" the doctor says as louis starts to cry and soon louis hears the most beautiful cries he has ever heard

"mom" louis cries out

"its a boy" the doctor says as he hands the baby to a nurse

"anne go with him please" jay says as anne gets up and goes to the baby as the nurse brings the baby back to louis as louis places a kiss on his cheek

"he is beautiful  and perfect" louis cries out "i love you"

"he is perfect" jay says

"we need to get measurments" the nurse says

"anne can you please go" louis says as anne walks out with the nurse

"and we are done a nurse will take you to your room in a bit" the doctor says

"thank you" louis says "i cant beleive he is here"

"i know" jay says as she hugs and places a kiss on louis cheek

"can you let liam and niall know that he is here" louis says

"i will do it when we get back to your room" jay says as a nurse gets louis bed and starts to move him to his room and as soon as they get there anne walks in with the baby as jay takes him and gives him to louis

"hey buddy im your mommy and i love you so much" louis says as he cries

"louis rest anne and I will watch the baby" jay says as louis falls asleep

"I hate to say this but he looks like harry when he was born" anne says as she takes the baby from jay

"well he doesn't look like louis" jay says as the baby starts to whimper and anne gives him his bottle and starts to feed him and when he is done she burps him and lays him down in the bassinet and a few hours later louis wakes up

"where is the baby" louis says as he yawns

"napping" jay says

"and anne"

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