Chapter 20

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"hello" louis says confused

"louis" the voice says

"umm who is this" louis says as he gets a notification on and opens the text message and its a picture of harry sleeping and taylor next to him "who are you"

"how do you feel that i got harry back and you lost him to me i told you i would get him back" taylor says as she starts laughing

"i Don't care keep him" louis says as he hangs up on her and blocks her and screenshots the messages and sends them to jeff and soon louis phone starts to ring "jeff you better get her or i will fucken kill her and tell gemma and the girls"

"block her" jeff says

"i did but i swear she fuckes with me pregnant or not i will fucken kill her" louis says with anger "and why her i dont care about anyone else but her after what she did to me"

"im gonna talk to harry and see what is going on" jeff says

"look i dont ever want her to call me or i swear i will press charges for harrasment" louis says

"i will take care of it" jeff says as he hangs up on louis and calls harry

"jeff" harry answers

"yeah where are you" jeff asks

"on my way to rehearsal why" harry questions

"were you with taylor last night" jeff asks

"how do you know" harry questions with confusion

"she sent louis pictures of you asleep in bed with her" jeff says as he sends the pictures to harry

"what the fuck when did she do this" harry says with anger

"a few minutes ago she called louis and sent them to him and he wants to press charges harry becareful with her i told you already" jeff says

"ugugh" harry groans out "i will take care of her"

"you better or louis is going to call your sisters and you know if they find out you are with her again they are going to decapitate you both" jeff says

"i will take care of this shit" harry says with anger as he hangs up on jeff as they get to the venue and harry gets down from the van and goes to his dressing room as his phone starts to ring and harry sees the caller id and its taylor "hey"

"babe i want to see you" taylor says with a sad tone

"i cant i am at rehearsal" harry says

"then i will come to you" taylor says

"dont right now i dont want to see you" harry says as he starts to get angry


"why the fuck did you send louis pictures of me asleep and you in bed with me" harry says with anger

"he is lying just to try and keep us apart" taylor lies as harry send her the screenshots that jeff sent harry

"explain this shit and how the fuck did you get his phone number' harry says

"from your phone" taylor says in a matter of fact voice

"im done stay away from me" harry says with anger "this is the last conversation i will ever have with you or i swear i will ruin you"

"you dont scare me you will come back to me again you always come back to me" taylor says

"is that so well i have to go my next fuck is calling me" harry says as he laughs and hangs up the phone

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