Chapter 28

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"no thank you for trusting me" the waitress says as harry pays and walks out of the restaurant and goes back to the hotel and makes a plan for himself as he writes down questions and things he wants to work on himself like the waitress told him and harry decides her wants to start over and calls the realtor as he wants to sell his house and get a new one somewhere where no one can find him as he gets himself together and when harry is off the phone he starts to get ready to go see the therapist and as soon as its close to 3 harry leaves his hotel room and heads to the therapist office and soon gets there and checks in as he finishes the paperwork he needs and soon is being called as he follows the receptionist as walks in the office

"hello harry my name is dr vines what brings you in today" the doctor says as he shakes hands with harry

"i need alot of help i am so broken i keep making mistake after mistake" harry says

"ok well let me start with a few rules first" the doctor says "first i want you to be honest no matter how hard the topic may be its the only way we can get to the bottom of what ever you want to find two if i give you self work to do please do it"

"ok" harry says

"so its our first session what do you want to talk about today" the doctor says

"just i dont know its my first time coming to a therapist" harry says

"do you have any questions for me" the doctor asks

"umm yeah i wrote some down umm I want to know what is your policy on confidentialy you of course know who I am and I want to be open  and honest to work on things I want to work on and am scared something gets leaked to the media" harry says nervously

"we handle each patient with the strictest of rules I never discuss with my staff anything about any patients no matter what their status is I understand you are scared and nervous but we can start slow until you get comfortable we will go at your pace as for my staff I have them all sign non disclosures for everything and everyone that works for me with a 10 million dollar penalty for breach of contract and to be honest my staff has been with me for over 10 years so I trust them" the doctor says

"ok ummm when I get overwhelmed what can I do to calm down" harry asks

"give me an example of when you feel overwhelmed" the doctor asks

"umm like when I overthink about things like last night I felt overwhelmed just thinking about coming to this appointment like was I doing the right thing was I making another mistake and just all these thoughts kept playing in my head and I was going to cancel but I went to work out in my home gym and that help but I know there are going to be instances where I wont be able to work out what can I do to get over that" harry asks

"let me start by saying that getting overwhelmed happens as you say when we overthink specially when we are not sure about what we want but you did a good thing but incase you are in public then I would suggest finding a quiet place bathroom or something and take a few breaths do you meditate"

"umm no" harry says

"try it I have a youtube channel that helps with meditation there a few good books that help as well I will write this down for you just try meditating and yoga what will happen is you will train your brain to relax" the doctor says with a smile

"ok I think I want to try both can you recommend a yoga studio or videos" harry says feeling a bit hopeful

"OK I will add that as well so do you want to talk about anything today" the therapist asks

"umm just I cut contact with my family my parents and sister and her 3 best friends who are like my sisters I love them all so much I miss them so much" harry says as the tears start to fall

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