Chapter 37

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"fine" louis liam and niall say as they enjoy the rest of their time together and soon jay and dan get to harrys house with louis siblings as they continue to talk and laugh and soon they all start going into their rooms

"umm you want to sleep in my room with me" harry asks nervously

"i dont think i should" louis says as he smiles

"where is ben"

"with your sisters" louis says as harry picks up louis and throws him over his shoulder as he gets to his room "thanks for asking tho" louis says as harry drops him on the bed

"just sleep with me even if we dont do anything i want you in my arms" harry says as louis bites his lower lip

"umm ok" louis says " i need some sweats"

"grey" harry says laughing

"no" louis says as harry gets some sweats for louis as louis changes and gets under the covers as harry lays next to louis

"i really missed you" harry says

"me too you ready for tomorrow" louis says

"no but i think you and jeff are right as long as we do things our way then we can tell what really happened and not have people make up storys" harry says

"have you talked to your therapist" louis asks

"no i am going to see him after we get off the air this is something that i need to talk to him about" harry says

"you can talk to me" louis says nervously "how do you feel"

"scared" harry says as he sits up "im so scared that i have caused so much damage that my fans have turned their back on me"

"i dont know what is going to happen i really dont but know that no matter what happens tomorrow i will be by your side no matter what life throws at you i will walk by your side supporting you in your success and in your failures" louis says

"Thank you i only want you to be by my side and no matter what happens in life as long as i breath i will be by your side i will never let you go i promise you that one day i am going to marry you i love you so much and i am sorry that it took me this long to realize what i really had" harry says

"i know you are and i want you to know that if you ever get that entitled i will cut your dick off" louis says as he starts to laugh

"i love you" harry says as he lays down next to louis as they cuddle into each other and soon fall asleep. The following morning louis wakes up as his alarms starts to ring as harry pulls louis close to him

"I have to get ready" louis says

"nope" harry whines

"stop before I get fired" louis says laughing

"its ok I have enough money to take care of you and ben" harry says

"stop" louis says laughing as he puts his leg over harrys waist and starts to kiss him as harry thrust up and louis lets out a moan "I love you" louis whispers into harrys ear

"I love you more" harry says with a wide smile as louis gets out of harrys arms "that is not fair"

"shhhhhhh" louis says as he goes to the bathroom and starts to get himself ready and soon walks out of the bathroom "umm H can I borrow a pair of underwear I don't have clothes here" and harry gets up and gets louis some boxers and louis puts them on "I don't like them but they will do"

"shhh im trying to sleep" harry says laughing as he sits up "yeah not as sexy as the panties but they will do"

"shut it I have to get going and set up" louis says

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