Chapter 15

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"and 5.........4..........3.........2 we are live" the producer says as louis puts the mic to his mouth

"good evening everyone i am louis tomlinson and we are live at the brits doing the red carpet" louis says with excitement "sorry to say but liam payne just went into labor a few days ago but i am sure he is wathching Hey liam i love you and cant wait to hold my baby" louis says laughing" so tonight i am doing the red carpet and will also be presenting best pop album but lets get started and see what celebrities we are going to meet tonight" louis says as he sees gemma, darla jane and stacy walking to him" ohh my what a treat lets see if i can talk to gemma harry styles sister  GEMMA GEMMAS' louis yells out as gemma walks to him "hi gemma how are you are you here with harry"

"he will be here in a bit" gemma says

"and who are these beautiful ladies" louis says

"these are my best friends darla stacy and jane" gemma says

"well what are you most looking forward to seeing tonight" louis says

"just the performances specially you know harrys" gemma says

"and you darla"

"same the performances"

"other than harry who do you want to see" louis says

"ed sheeran his new song is amazing" darla says as louis continues to ask them questions as they starts to play around and laughing

"well i am having so much fun with you ladies" louis says

"we are to mind if we stay and help you talk to celebrities maybe they will stop ignoring you" jane says laughing

"of course not would make me less nervouse than i am" louis says

"ok so here comes shawn mendes" stacy says as they walk to shawn and take his arm and walk him to louis

"well i guess i am being interviewed by louis and i must say i am upset i wasnt on your list of marry fuck friendzone and date" shawn says laughing

"uughgh why must you all remember that" louis says as he starts to laugh

"cuz its fun" shawn says laughing

"well shawn what is next for you" jane says

"working on my next album" shawn says

"ohh how much have you recorded and when can we expect the new single" louis says

"alot and soon" shawn says laughing

"ok well we tried" gemma says "so i have seen your rehearsal can you tell us what you are looking forward to seeing"

"all the performances coming together i have seen the rehearsals and i mean i was blown away by rehearsals i cant wait to see the actual performances" shawn says

"well we cant wait either and might i say i loved your rehearsal" stacy says

"thank you" shawn says

"well shawn is was amazing to talk to you and we cant wait for your performance" louis says as he sees gemma walking to him "what is going on"

"well we knew that liam couldnt be here so we brought you a life size poster of him" jane says laughing as they put it close to louis as louis starts to laugh

"thank you" louis says laughing "i am going to put it in my office"

"you better post a picture or we will get your listeners to bother you until you do" gema says laughing

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